Duplicate option missing -- Glitch?

Are any of these locations a duplicate of this wayspot?

Go to the map section when doing a review.

Click on a nearby spot to check if the submission is a duplicate. You normally get an option to select that it is a duplicate which closes the review. I am not getting this option.

When I click on a nearby spot I get the little photo pop up as usual but not the select duplicate button underneath. I have tried logging out and relogging in.

So this part is missing

Is there another device you can use to see if it’s the same

I’ll move to bugs section

OK & thanks for your prompt reply.

Yes – “Mark as Duplicate” is missing on my laptop.

I have checked on my phone and it is not missing.

Ah so it’s some sort of browser issue.
Try all the usual clearing cache etc and see if that works.

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Would it be a tall ask for the following:

Processor Architecture (Intel, Non-Intel - For Mac)
Windows, Mac or Linux?
MS Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Insert browser version here.

The issue may be platform and / or or browser specific.

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Thank you both for your interest and help.

I will try those suggestions and report back if I have not resolved.

Much appreciated!

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Yes – “Mark as Duplicate” is missing on my laptop.

I am still getting this issue on mac laptop. Using Safari.

I am not experiencing this problem on iPad or iPhone.

Any suggestions ?

While I have a PC, so I don’t have Safari, it could be the browser. You may want to see if you have the issue or not with a different browser, such as Firefox.

If I’m having an issue with a website on my laptop, I’ll see if I can replicate it in a different web browser. If I can’t, then I know the issue might be with the browser. If I can, then it might be something else that could be causing the issue.

Clearing cache and cookies may be another thing to try.

Many thanks for your advice and interest.

Something niggling at the back of my mind that says Safari isn’t a supported browser for Wayfarer or that there were some known issues withe Safari, but can’t recall off hand.

I’m using safari on iPad now :sunglasses: and that’s how I review.
But laptop is different.

:eyes: Hacks are real!! Joking aside… I do’t know why I think Safari os unsupported.

The following review, due to the title being longer than usual, it wrapped down and pushed the “duplicate” button outside of view with no scroll ability.

I’m using Chrome 131.0.6778.135 on Android 14, Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G with a 6.4-inch screen.

I was able to switch the browser to “desktop mode” and mark it as a duplicate, however that isn’t immediately intuitive and I’m not sure if enough people would try that.

Take THAT @PkmnTrainerJ !!!



I see this as a win.

Now people can’t incorrectly mark my long titles Wayspots as duplicates :laughing:


Hadn’t noticed the existing report so I merged it.

@Buddy12875 do you recall if yours was a longer title or longer aspect ratio photo?

In my example, switching to Desktop let me mark “duplicate.”

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Hey @Gendgi and thanks for your post.

My “missing duplicate option” happens for all reviews when I am logged into & using MacBook running safari.

I have gone through the “normal” fixes. I still have the problem. I now mostly avoid using the MacBook for wayfarer activities.

Doing this post via iPad.

Cheers and best wishes.