Edit Challenge...? Isn't the Global Review Challenge no longer going on this year?

I was just waiting for the review challenge.
But what do you mean by editing challenge?

It is true that verification of the old wayspot is needed.
But editing can be done at any time if you’re interested in wayspot.

Of course, for the change of name, content, photo, location, etc., Wafarer’s examination resulted in approval or rejection.

This was an act that caused old Wayspot reviews to happen.

We are always grateful that our friend, AI Emily, is doing automatic screening.
Is it an editing challenge for Emily’s learning?

Only when the review challenge proceeds will the Wayspot reviews that have been applied for a long time be approved or rejected.

It’s a shame.

Isn’t the Global Review Challenge no longer going on this year?

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Niantic hasn’t said anything that the edit contribution challenge ended early. It’s still to end on November 11th at 12pm Pacific Time.

There have been some abuse issues that Niantic has identified and are working on resolving, so we haven’t gotten any community total updates. More info can be found here:

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What I’m curious about is not the fact that the editorial contribution challenge ended early.

I wonder if the Global Reviewer Challenge will be held again this year.

Just because the editorial contribution challenge is in progress, the results of the Wayspots that applied for a long time ago do not come out.

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Hello, as it stands right now they havent mentioned anything about a review challenge. I doubt they will do away with them. It just seems like currently they are doing a challenge to focus on edits and to possibly help the ML/Emily get trained on edits. We may still see a review challenge later on. If you want details of the challenge you can find them here: Global Edits Challenge


There was no review challenge, just edit contribution challenge.

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Keep in mind that since ML was put in place, queues haven’t been as full as they used to, and submissions are getting resolved quite quickly. We had been asking when the next review challenge would be for a few months, and we all thought that it may not happen due to ML and the auto-accepts keeping queues low.

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Normally, there were 2 global challenges a year…
I thought it would be held again in December this year, but the editing challenge was held.
The old Wayspot has no choice but to wait again.

She’s helping me with the examination, but…
It’s a pity that there are quite a few reviews that haven’t produced results for more than six months.

Last year, thanks to the Global Challenge, the results of the screening came out in a year.

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Niantic is the one that decides if there is even a challenge, and it used to be more quarterly than twice yearly. When I started, there was a challenge in October 2023 and another in December 2023. This year, ML really went into effect, and we did have a review challenge in May.

It is extremely unlikely with ML in place these days that review global challenges will happen as often as they used to. Niantic had to think of some other type of challenge than reviews, since the queues are bing kept low thanks to ML.

Other types of global challenges have been suggested in the past, and so this is a nice change from reviewing. I’m not sending as much time trying to get to the top tier for individual rewards this time around, and I can also write up text edits ahead of time; I also took some photos before the edits challenge started.

Who knows, maybe the edits challenge will drive the queue numbers up, and maybe a review challenges will come around. However, it’s all up to Niantic to decide this, not us Wayfarers. We don’t always get what we want in life.


Thank you for your answer.
I can relate to some of them, but…

What you said about 2023 is what I know.

I know ML is being implemented and I don’t understand the low queues.
If you apply for Wayspot, it is the same that rural areas or areas where there is nothing in the cell are reviewed quickly, while urban areas are taking months or more.

After last year’s global challenge, Wayspots, which applied in January this year, also came out in September or October.
I don’t really apply for Wayspot these days, but…
There are still Wayspots that have not been reviewed for more than six months.

I think the intent of the editing challenge is to learn ML
In fact, the existing Wayspots are maintained without any problems, and they are constantly updated by some users if they change.

I was going to apply for Wayspot for the first time in a long time for each blank in the neighborhood when the Global Review Challenge was held, but I wrote it because I was disappointed.

Once again, thank you for your answer.