Global Edits Challenge!

Hello Explorers,

Are you ready to Upgrade the Niantic Map! We’re excited to launch our next challenge of the year. This time for the first time ever, we’re adding a new twist: Edit Contributions! By introducing edit contributions we’re unlocking a whole new way to do challenges in Wayfarer while improving the map quality around the world. For this challenge we are empowering our community to make edit contributions to Wayspots they can edit in Pokémon GO and Ingress. To help the community reach both community and individual tiers (see below) we’ll be resetting your Edit Contribution limits for Text Edits, Location Edits, and Photo Edits in both Pokémon GO and Ingress. We’re also introducing a new reward type, ML reviews! The community will be eligible to earn these rewards if ML accepts the amounts outlined in the tiers so make sure you submit some good quality edits so ML can help you all earn some extra rewards!

How to participate:

If you wish to participate in the Global Edits Challenge, all you need to do is go out into your community, play Pokémon GO or Ingress, identify Wayspots that need an update, and submit an edit.

Challenge Timelines:

  • Challenge Kick-Off
    • Oct 30, 2024 12:00 PM PDT
  • Challenge Ends
    • Nov 13, 2024 12:00 PM PDT
  • Reward Distribution
    • Nov 13, 2024 - Nov 29, 2024

Goal and Rewards:

Community Rewards: Edit Contribution

  • Community Rewards: Community Rewards will be given to all Explorers who participated in the challenge by contributing at least 10 edits or more during the period of the challenge if a tier goal is reached. Similar to our previous challenges, only one set of rewards will be distributed based on the tier reached. These tiers are based on the number of Wayspot edits submitted within the 2-week span needed to qualify for the Community Rewards.

Community Rewards: ML (Emily) Approvals

  • ML (Emily) Approvals: this set of rewards will be given to all Explorers who participated in the challenge by contributing at least 10 edits or more during the period of the challenge and if ML auto-accepts the number of edits per each tier submitted during the challenge.

Individual Rewards: Edit Contribution

  • Individual Rewards will be distributed to individuals who participated in the challenge and contributed the number of edits for each tier. Again, only one set of rewards will be awarded based on how many edits you submit during the challenge timeframe.

Wayfarer Rewards will be rewarded per Wayfarer Account, not per game account

Eligibility for Rewards:

  • You are eligible to participate in the challenge if you are an eligible Wayfarer Explorer (meaning you are at least Level 37 Trainer in Pokémon GO or Level 10 Agent in Ingress and have completed the Wayfarer Onboarding)
  • A target Wayspot Edit submission and approval goal has been met; and you submitted at least 10 edits during the challenge timeline.
  • We will confirm whether the Wayspot Edit Goal has been met and if so, which Tier. The rewards distributed will be based on the Wayspot submission goal status (Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3) at the end of the campaign. Only one set of rewards will be distributed, such that:
    • If at least Tier 1 is reached and you have submitted 10 or more Edits, you will receive one set of Tier 1 rewards.
    • If Tier 2 is reached, and you have submitted 10 or more Edits during the Challenge, you will receive one set of Tier 2 rewards.
    • If Tier 3 is reached, and you have submitted 10 or more Edits during the Challenge, you will receive one set of Tier 3 rewards.
    • Game rewards will be distributed by email in the form of a passcode(s) for the game in which you are an eligible Wayfarer Explorer. For example, if you are a Trainer level 37 and an Agent level 5, you will only receive Pokémon GO rewards. If you are eligible in both games, you will receive the rewards in both by the deadline shared above.
    • Given the above, rewards will expire January 31, 2025

If you are eligible to participate but have not used Wayfarer before, prepare in advance by creating an account linked to your Pokémon GO or Ingress profiles. After you have signed in, check out the Criteria page and complete the onboarding to learn the basics of Niantic Wayfarer, such as reviewing and voting on nominated Wayspots.

We are very excited to be hosting this challenge for our Global Explorer Community. If you have any questions, please ask them in the challenge forum page coming soon!

Check out the discussion and other questions HERE!

-The Wayfarer Team


Hello Explorers,

The Global Edits Challenge officially concluded at 12:00 PM PST! A huge congratulations to all Explorers for collectively clearing Tier 3 for Community Rewards! Your individual contributions will be recognized in an upcoming email, along with your reward codes. Stay tuned for the final edit count in the coming days.

Community Rewards:

Community Rewards: ML (Emily) Approvals:

Thanks again for your participation! Looking forward to the challenges in 2025!
