Hi Community,
Is there a way to report or edit wayspots that are not visible ingame in Ingress or Pokemon Go?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Community,
Is there a way to report or edit wayspots that are not visible ingame in Ingress or Pokemon Go?
Thanks for your help.
Would love to see a voting system of some kind to make wayspots appear/disappear in the cell to improve the network.
1 vote per cell which can be resubmitted whenever there is a new poi in the cell
I also play Pikmin Bloom and Monster Hunter Now and while you cannot nominate from them I believe you can send a report about improper spots.
I suspect MHNow has a similar help page.
I have also used help chat for edits I can’t do in game. Go to Niantic Wayfarer and a chat bubble will pop up.
This is much more direct than my solution
your way is extremely valuable, too! a lot of folks prefer it since they get a chain of emails. some browsers lose the help chat history.
This sounds interesting but I don’t fully see what you’re describing. What I understand is voting for which wayspot becomes visible per the supposed cell.
Also a caveat that the inclusion rules for each game are outside Wayfarer control so this might be implemented only at the decision of the game team. That said, Niantic has been cage-y about acknowledging their inclusion rules directly which is why I think this falls into the “nice to have but unlikely to be implemented” feature.
I couldn’t figure out how to say this earlier, but shifting game locations (you say “in the cell” so must mean PoGo) could be a nightmare for established communities.
what i mean is remove an ugly/default poi from the game [for example an slide] and make an statue appear. now several goo poi’s arent visible because of an “regular” one
I understand this feeling. (Ask @RoIi112 about bike racks blocking murals ) But a war of players upvoting the ones they want to be in game would be chaotic imo.
I agree, it would be nice if there was a priority ranking. For example artwork and historical plaques would have preference over random memorial benches or picnic pergolas
oh an automated thing by niantic that uses the categories for something - hmm!
Beauty and cultural significance are in the eye of the beholder.
It can lead to cultural bias and societal divisions.
We all have our own values as to what be best for others to see…
Playing devils advocate…
If I was small enough I would have a lot more fun and laughter on a slide mixing with other people learning about taking turns, getting exercise than staring solemnly at an abstract statue wondering what am I meant to get out of this.
I choose the slide.
My choice shouldn’t dominate, I am happy how things work out in a random way, and I certainly don’t want a voting war.
Always the voice of reason! You are right, we all have our preferences and yours, mine, and theirs may all differ.
That said I will still go and nominate things that I think are cool (and meet eligibility) accurately even if I know they won’t be available in certain gsme(s). We were surprised by the addition of Power Spots this year, so you never know what new ideas Niantic might have to include more wayspots into the games.