Emily bot already off work?

Hi admin. Emily bot already off bot :robot: or still working today? I nominate yesterday until now no yet result from Emily bot after 48hours plus.



ML is still active, but ML doesn’t resolve every submission. It may decide to send the submission into community voting instead of resolving it.

I dont think this is true, there have been many reports of ML not picking any nominations for the last 3 days or so.


ML accepted 1 of my 3 edits from Friday, so not an issue for me.

The ML issue is not for edits, nominations in specific.


Yes same with me here

Keep in mind that I’m not on any other sites or social media, for personal reasons, so I only know what’s been posted on the forums, and not much has been said here until now.


I just wondering about the same thing. Only my photo submissions that get reviewed by the machine.

Actually it is a great time to review while ML is not deciding nominations. So much coal that is going to be an easy rejection agreement. It really makes me appreciate how much junk is being submitted.

Edited to add: unless ML pulls the nominations from community review and we don’t get credit for the agreement. We really need an answer to that.


Sometimes, location edits end up in Niantic’s review process while still being in community voting. I’m sure those agreements are buried too. Honestly, I shouldn’t even bother reviewing edits anymore. It would be nice to have an official statement about that. :blush: :+1:


I rejected so much yesterday reviewing…


As submitter, please get Emily (the auto bot) back to work ASAP. I loved those quick results.
As a reviewer, I’m making the most of this take your time :joy: as I’m enjoying it more.
It is nice to see all the good nominations that Emily has been keeping selfishly to themself. There is good stuff being submitted.
But seriously it’s amazing the impact it has had on our experience and expectations. How easily we forget.


You know, ML might need a little break after the edits challenge anyways…Or a tune-up, being she’s a machine…

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Hello. From November 27th until now, the review of Wayspot applications for the ML learning function (Emily) has been stopped.

However, it seems that adding photos and editing titles and descriptions is still possible.

Perhaps someone from Nia will announce it in a while (maybe they’ve made improvements or it’s been stopped for maintenance, etc.)

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Hope got announcement soon from Niantic and we can take a break of nominations :wink:


It was the weekend when most noticed this, so hopefully later today there may be an update. Some staff have been working this weekend, but they may have needed to escalate it.

And it was thanksgiving when I understand US shuts down. So if a problem of any sort occurred getting it fixed would be likely to take time.

Scan I ask why so many rejections? I’m still new here.

When reviewing right now, we are seeing a lot of terrible submissions that we don’t normally see because the ML (machine learning ai) model usually rejects them before they can get to community review.


I was wondering, i submitted a load of stuff yesterday, at least half of which would usually be quickly passed by emily, so yeah, id day theres an issue with her not looking at submissions