Emily ruined community voting

Since Emily exists :

Less upgrades are needed
Less reviews
Upgrades take at least 1 month to go threw
People don’t review anymore as upgrades are useless
All the nominations take much much longer than a year ago to go threw if they don’t get accepted by Emily
The only solution is to pray Emily accepts your nomination otherwise you are trapped

Am I the only one thinking that this not something enjoyable at all ?

I used to enjoy reviewing as I was earning upgrades, now I nearly don’t review as upgrades are useless.


To be honest, I don’t mind the ML going through my submissions within 24 hours of it being submitted. Some of my recent ones have gone through Community voting, and got accepted. When the ML gets it right, I have no complaints. When it gets it wrong, I try and figure out what I need to do to resubmit.


That sounds though as if you are in a region where community voting has not slowed down tremendously. The situation for users like blania is totally different.

Wayfarer as comically as it may sounds to what some users are used to from many problems, is basically suffering from success with ML as there are some regions where due to ML devaluing Upgrades, Community Voting takes forever. Niantic staff have looked at nominations in question several times from a technical standpoint, which raises the question if everything on that side is working, now other parts of voting processes are causing some problems regionally.

Reviewing itself got more difficult, ML usually picks the easy ones because it can be easily trained on them, leaving us with more borderline eligible and ineligible things, that kills one motivation to review - virtual exploration through cool stuff popping up for review for example. But also, some sit there, look at a nomination, and have difficulties to make a decision. Now that even experienced reviewers have to actievly think through it more instead of just checking some fields, it takes more attention to review too.

Some people stopped or are reviewing less because of the difficulty that has been raised by all of this.

Then, why should someone who has next to no interest in Wayfarer, but in the games, still review? If you want some stops or portals, just submit something ML accepts, get your 4-6 spots in an area and that’s mostly what you need. If the conditions are that they don’t have to give back to the community, a programme where the community originally comes from games and not mapping programmes, that plays a key role in it, they can afford to stay away from it and let it rot, and then it just implodes like a card house.

There might have been an opportunity to instead use more appeals as an incentive or basically Wayfarers new currency to do reviews for, but with more appeals availiable in shorter time frames this is not possible anymore, if it even was to begin with, as I remember the time where appeals where way too unrestricted and queue times were horribly long.

There is not really some other currency they could use at the moment to restore the linked motivation aspect. For very active people like me, earning more nomination slots might be interesting because I manage to hit the 40 per supported game limit more frequently or even at all compared to others, so it is not interesting to them at all.

What should happen is, that the Wayfarer Team comes up with something so the community can stay motivated and is supported, but also communicate what effect these changes have to existing reviewers - I don’t think the average reviewer is aware that with ML and stuff the reviewing of more “use your best judgement” things is what reviewing is like now and the expectations of Wayfarer in total from users is not aligning of what it has become now.


I haven’t really be counting, but for the ones I do get to review in person, the vast majority of them are rejects. I kinda miss good wayspots.


I only really submit what I see as easy wins in my local area as there isn’t much left to submit. I don’t get the opportunity to venture further afield as much as I would like to. So if I am lucky, ML reviews and accepts, otherwise the community generally don’t find my submissions contentious and usually gets accepted within a few days.


I have pretty much stopped reviewing. I don’t know whether that’s because of the knock on effects of Emily or I just got bored.

The ML system also needs a lot of fine tuning.
I walked the Fife Coastal Path a few times recently or sections of it at least and whoever is adding the trail markers for it got a bit carried away. Emily was auto accepting them without a care in the world. I could have added a lot more but kept them with some relevance to what else was around.

I could have added 6 on the 3km road/dirt track leading up to this. I went for one.

I could have added six of these in a 1km stretch

At 180ish km in total I could easily have used up all my 40 submissions in a day.
I’m not sure Emily is that fussed about an exact location either.

Reviewing is a drag and if it doesn’t really help others or me much what is the point?


No, I don’t agree. I live in an area where it used to take 8 - 18 months to get a single wayspot approved without an upgrade. Upgrades were hard to earn because nothing ever finished voting.

Last week I submitted 4 things at a new building that doesn’t appear on satellite yet. They are all in game now thanks to the changed approval system.

I never want to go back to the old system.


The ML made certain items much, much easier to get into the games, and especially made photo additions super fast.

But it definitely made certain things more difficult too, anything that goes into community voting can, in some places, take mych longer, and I think part of this is due to the voting being much less clear cut and therefore less engaging for many reviewers, so theyre doing less. The remaining reviews are also much harder, and seem to get less agreements than before. If peoples ratings drop they may stop reviewing too, but also, their reviews carry less weight, exacerbating thr issues.

I think the overall effect is really quite positive, but its not without a few side effects

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I have no issue with ML, as in my rural hometown, it could take months for approval without an upgrade. I had 2 edits in voting for 2 months before ML looked at them again. 1 was approved, the other I’ll resubmit when I can as it seems that ML rejected based on rejections from those who did vote on it. Now that the playground has the correct park name in the title (that was approved), I think if I submit a new description with the correct park name and noting that it’s an accessible playground, I’m hoping it’ll be approved the next time I submit.

Also, if you are good a submitting, make sure everything meets criteria and is accurate, ML will approve a good deal of these. My latest nomination that ML approved was a church that offers both English and Spanish masses. I found their Facebook page, as they livestream from there, and included in the supporting info, got a good photo of the sign and a good photo showing the sign on the building with other area place markers, and ML had no issue approving.

We still have a good number of submissions to review here in the US, mainly new Wayspot nominations, and many don’t meet criteria or ML might not know if they do, such as memorial benches; there are areas that still approve these, even though we have clarification on them. My rejection rate has been higher than my approval rate for a few months now, but I’m ok with that, as rejections tend to be quicker than those I approve.

I’m still reviewing, still helping keep the queue down, but also not gaining as many upgrades, but also not using as many upgrades.

Letting the mods know this is a duplicate of this post where a couple of us have replied


I have been resubmitting rejected wayspots into Emily with some success, about 35 approved in the past month. Some of them are trail makers on sticky labels, some I think got rejected because of Ingress faction wars. All decent submissions IMO… but…

…I see a lot of low quality submissions accepted as well. Generic footpath markers with poor descriptions, for example. I could probably get things like that accepted myself but I suppose I still have standards.


I definitely see the OP’s issue. I have not had any of my nominations since March go into Community voting, they have all been approved by eMiLy. I do think eMiLy is probably approving somethings. Objects in front of people’s home, and individual Golf Course holes for example.

The last time I sat down to actually do some reviews I got super frustrated because all I got were a bunch of title and description edits to a couple of dozen Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PoI.

Maybe something that Niantic could think about is having reviewers spot check eMiLy. For the most part I believe that it is doing a good job but there are definitely some objects and locations really should be able to get closer attention to. Maybe having 10% of what eMiLy decides go into Community voting and compare the community vote to the ML vote could show some blind spots.


Non sono d’accordo. Prima di Emily dove abito senza upgrade ci mettevano minimo 1 anno fino a 3 anni, oggi con emily anche solo un upgrade risparmiato sono felicissimo (anche perchè per ora non mi ha bocciato ancora nulla) il che mi ha invogliato a richiedere molto più di prima. Per quanto riguarda le cose che voto non mi importa mi piace votare e basta e se sono tutte da bocciare o facilmente accettabili recensisco di più.


Here they are just adding city names to every title, just for the own benefit for filtering waypoints in there game ingress
Would be great if Emiel could regonize them,
And reject them so i dont have to

Like more to help new nomination.
Instead of someone’s game filter.

That most time ruine the title, or dont even fit whit the location.

Also wonder how the Communitie vote on those edits?

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Around here it’s the opposite, most of the LDS churches here were already called Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - location. They are all being changed to the exact same title and exact same description.

I live in a very heavy LDS area there are more churches here than Starbucks


If you ever see a Starbucks with an LDS church in it we have reached the end of days.


However, if you want to nominate a really great mural on a busy street on the street side of a residential wall then you pray that Emily doesn’t get the nomination.

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Don’t nominate a mural on an SFPRP wall.


I stopped reviewing because Niantic approves nominations in front of single family homes next to their driveway but they decline nominations along the major street side of the single family home even though it’s accessible and harm’s nobody. I haven’t reviewed anything since. Niantic’s lawyers actually review nominations. Niantic lawyers say, can we talk our way out of a lawsuit? If yes then approved.

But you can get a PokeStop right in front of your house? That makes no sense.