Fair and Reasonable Rejection?

Hey there, it may best to share some of your nominations in a separate thread so that we can help see how they can be improved.

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Rejections are part the parcel of Wayfinding. Win some, lose some. I know I could do a lot better with my nominations and how I describe them. I am fortunate that my local area is now saturated with pretty much as many stops as we can get through. I have learnt a lot from forums such as this one (and it’s previous iteration) and had some valuable help in making sure the ones I do submit are correct and proper.

For the love of description carers. Please don’t say “local church”. Not until some churches have duality with another location, or can be a passthru to another city. I don’t know what options the future might hold. But in 2025, EVERY church building is “local”. Where are they, if not local?


Piggybacking from this, there’s a lot of interesting information wrt patron saints (at least for some religions) and the church building (architecture, funding, history) that one can add instead of the address of the church.

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(Nodding) I got a nom once with title “Statue of Man in Pointy Hat”. In front of a church named SAINT PETER’S. That’s insulting. A little curiosity could have uncovered his name. There’s probably a plaque. And he’s plainly carrying keys, which is a hallmark sign of… St Peter. Saint symbolism - Wikipedia

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This, 100% this. Or when an artist tags a mural with their info so you could easily find the right title & info and credit them but they just slap a generic title & desc about how the mural looks…sadly some people dont want to do the extra work but I wish they would cause then theyd be EASY passes. Instead of being on the fence.

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Managed to re-edit the description of the church with something more accurate.


You might have to be British to understand this…

British + over 30/40 too I think

Never watched the show…allegedly.

Fair call on the word local :slight_smile: But some larger churches/cathedral are aimed at a larger audience. Some are based on pilgrim trails and deliberately placed for that audience. Not always… I am being pedantic @MargariteDVille :wink:

But yeah where appropriate probably leave the word off unless you can clearly articulate WHY it is important to the local community IF there is something different and specific…

Though my little local pocket parks… Actually let’s not go back there :slight_smile:

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Local Church Lives Matter! Drops mic and walks away

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For me they can start bursting one by one, or two or three, the faster the better.

I was maybe being harsh on “local”, but if you are providing an edit then a bit more research is helpful. However, if you actually manage to find an unsubmitted church in the field then it doesn’t matter so much, it’s a great wayspot even with a minimal description.