Fake Health circuit

“Parcours 4” at 48.344533,7.298987
“Parcours 14” at 48.344164,7.298779
“Parcours 15” at pll=48.344308,7.299786
“Parcours 16” at 48.343801,7.299971
“Parcours 19” at 48.344236,7.300318
City: 67220 Villé
Country: France

These portals are on fake location, along river Giessen, in area of private access gardens. True portals are in Klosterwald forest, 1km away south-west
You can see on portals picture, they are in mountain, not on flat land along a river

Ces portails sont situés sur un faux emplacement, le long de la rivière Giessen, dans une zone de jardins d’accès privés. Les vrais portails se trouvent dans la forêt de Klosterwald, à 1 km au sud-ouest
Vous pouvez voir sur la photo des portails qu’ils sont en montagne, et non sur un terrain plat le long d’une rivière

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Dear @eGreeter,

Thank you for the appeal, do you have any geo-tagged images of the correct locations? Otherwise staff will be unable to act on this without proof sorry.

area is access restricted, i will go take a picture of entry

The correct location is access restricted or where the wayspots are now?

where the wayspots are

You want to prove the correct location, so geo-tagged pictures of the physical objects would be sufficient. Which I am just assuming here to be accessible, based on streetview there

Ok, I will add this

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Thanks for the appeal, @eGreeter Due to insufficient evidence, we’re unable to remove the Wayspots in question. If you have additional evidence to share like geotagged images or photospheres, please submit a new appeal with additional information and we’ll take another look.