During review session today I found a place with 20 fake POI, maybe more.
Most of them are playground or religious cross if you check picture and title but no one it’s visible on streetmap or satellite view.
By used Wayfarer app we can see more fake POI in private properties.
Could please check this area ? thx
Wayspot Title: jeux pour enfants
Wayspot Title: boite à livres
Wayspot Title: jeux pour enfants
Wayspot Title: le requin nageur
Wayspot Title: Croix religieuse
Wayspot Title: croix
Wayspot Title: croix religieuse
Wayspot Title: bisous sous le parapluie
Wayspot Title: peinture murale
Wayspot Title: papillon géant
Wayspot Title: mur d’escalade
Wayspot Title: maison de jeux
Wayspot Title: aire de jeux toboggan
Wayspot Title: le faisan doré
Wayspot Title: peinture murale
Wayspot Title (only visible via Wayfarer app) : croix
Location : 43.427983, 3.305570
Wayspot Title (only visible via Wayfarer app) : peinture murale
Location : 43.427951, 3.305497
Wayspot Title (only visible via Wayfarer app) : tonneau sur rails
Location : 43.427861, 3.305203
Wayspot Title (only visible via Wayfarer app) : statue bronzette au soleil
Location : 43.427878, 3.305074
Wayspot Title (only visible via Wayfarer app) : sculpture
Location : 43.427924, 3.304594
Wayspot Title (only visible via Wayfarer app) : sculpture pilier
Location : 43.427913, 3.304217
Wayspot Title (only visible via Wayfarer app) : tourniquet
Location : 43.428611, 3.304977