- Wayspot Title: Tượng thánh Gioan
- Location: 10.508405,106.459802
- Exact location: 10.8539178,106.6394941
- City: Long An
- Country: Vietnam
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email: N/A
- Additional Information:Fake nominations
Google Maps
request @NianticAtlas to recheck all nominations of this player
This is not the place for this kind of request. You can ask help chat to do the location edit Niantic Wayfarer. That is also where you can report abuse by a player, or use the reporting abuse form linked at the top here. I will post the link in case the format you are seeing doesn’t show it: Reporting Abuse in Wayfarer — Wayfarer Help Center
They will want evidence, not just a request to check out a player.