Title: Little Free Library at Merriwood Corner
City: Oakland, CA
Country: USA
Location: 37.8420341, -122.2139505
Rejection Email: n/a (removed wayspot appeal)
Additional information:
This was probably removed for SFPRP, but it is well outside the property line:
There is also safe pedestrian access. While there aren’t actual sidewalks in the neighborhood, as in many US neighborhoods, the streets are wide enough that the sides are effectively sidewalks. Here’s some street view images that show the area:
i guess all the info asked was provided (except coordinate format for the location), it just wasnt presented in the typical list format. As to where you go from here, i’d wait for an official response from the team which can take around 10 days or so. Just dont get your hopes up for this one.
I agree that this does not appear to have safe pedestrian access. Not only are there no pavements for pedestrians to use ( I will never understand why US residential areas often lack these) but it is at the junction of 3 roads. It is not enough for the local person to say cars drive slowly and are aware of pedestrians, it has to be clear that it is safe.