Invalid wayspot

Spots with this certification are located near fire engine garages and may disrupt emergency operations. Therefore, it is not suitable for wayspot.

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Hello @red72384546

Have you reported the wayspot already and had a rejection?

This forum only deals with removals that have already been through the formal removal requests process.

You will need to present evidence that it is located in a place that does obstruct emergency services.


Hello @elijustrying
Yes, I applied once from within the game, but it was denied, so I am appealing again through this form.
Please look at the first photo. This is the spot I am applying for.

Please look at the 2nd and 3rd photos. This is the fire engine garage and police car that I mentioned earlier.

Please look at the 3rd and 4th photos. This shows the positional relationship between the spot and the fire engine garage. The red circle is the spot and the blue circle is the fire engine garage.The distance is 44m.

This spot does not meet Wayspot standards as it may interfere with urgent operations.

Thanks for confirming.
The Wayfarer Team will give a response but it may take time.

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I’ve moved this to Wayspot Appeals. Usually if posting a new thread there, this info is asked for, so do provide the below.

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title:
  • Location (lat/lon):
  • City:
  • Country:
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
  • Additional Information (if any):

got it
Wayspot Title:フクロウの門
Location (lat/lon):33.4572728, 130.5953528
City:Chikuzen Town
Screenshot of the Rejection Email :

Additional Information :none

Thanks for the appeal, @red72384546. We took another look at the Wayspot in question and decided that it does not meet our criteria for removal at this time.

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