Firehouse rejected as pokestop

I recently put in a pokestop request named Gasilski dom Prozinska vas for a firehouse in Prozinska vas and thought it would be accepted as there’s a firehouse as a pokestop in another town. I suppose my description or reasoning was not good enough, so I’m asking for some guidance on what to write.
The email also said it was determined by ‘our team’ instead of ‘community’ if that matters.

Edit: should I have taken a photo from the street instead of a pathway below? There’s a bike trail beneath where I was standing

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Welcome! I’m afraid active fire stations very explicitly meet the “obstructing emergency services” rejection criterion. I would not resubmit this one.

Please do not refer to existing wayspots but rather to criteria to verify what can be eligible.

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Welcome to the forum @Zazeelo unfortunately wayspots you see live in the games are not always a good reflection of the wayfarer criteria.

Fire brigade buildings as a wayspot are very likely blocking the way for emergency services if people start interacting at such locations, which is exactly why that is a reason for rejecting the wayspot submission.

So please do check the criteria here: Niantic Wayfarer

Thanks for replying, that makes 100% sense!