How could I improve this submission? I cannot understand why this wouldn’t be accepted.
“Obstructs emergency services” is a rejection reason. Do not appeal this one.
Welcome to the group!
Nominations need to be a great place to explore, socialize or exercise. I don’t think a hose and chemical company is a great place to hang out, or a place you’d take an out-of-town visitor.
In addition, this looks like it’s at a fire department - which could block emergency services (which could result in lawsuits) - so is a rejection criteria.
Because your rejection reason is “Wayfarer criteria”, I’ll guess that the decision was made by AI. You can verify this by looking at your email. If it says “the community” decided, it was your peer human voters. If it says “our team” it was AI (or, rarely, Niantic staff).
I know that fire stations were seeded as game locations back in the day, so you may still see some as Wayspots. But these are removed (usually) when reported.
Welcome to the forum, and glad you came here to ask!
Just wanted to add one last note - if you are nominating from Pokemon Go, the Categories don’t represent eligible items. They are to add meta data to the map if the nomination is accepted.
Thank you for the response. That makes a lot of sense. It would be a waypoint if the city would stop using it, the building is over 100 years old!
Is there another place to make nominations other than the PoGo app? It would be nice to see all waypoints when creating one, instead of just seeing Poké stops, to avoid making duplicates.
They were talking about categories. If you submit in Ingress, it doesn’t ask categories. If you submit in PokemonGo, it will let you enter categories - but they are just to add meta data to the map, not to define what’s valid.
Actually the Pokemon Go nomination map screen is the best way to see all existing Wayspots right now. If you turn the toggle on, the ones not in PoGo are exclamation points. But it only works over a short distance.
This is a little confusing right now as it also shows imported Powerspot locations, which we don’t think count as Wayspots.
The second best way is to use a map of Ingress portals. I use iitc with a pogotools overlay to see the S2 cells at the same time. Like this
But it doesn’t show all the Wayspots, so there could be live Pokemon Go locations or imports I don’t see there.
I believe that the best tool currently available is Niantics Geospatial Broswer, but that is supposed to be just for developers and people with permissions like the ambassadors. It is not for the general public at this time.
Oh, but you can also submit nominations through Ingress. I forgot to answer that XD