I am a Pokémon Go player and occasional wayfarer.
Recently I met an Ingress player. I suggested, what I thought would make a good wayspot. I got an interesting response. It was intimated to me that it would probably get voted down as it would be disadvantageous to some ingress players. It was suggested that there was serious rivalry even just between ingress players.
We both agreed it would make a good nomination though.
I have been wondering about it since. Could this be a real thing. Are pogo players below other players in the order
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Yes, the rivalry in Ingress is real in many places, and at times, it has caused some factions to remove valid Wayspots for no reason, leading to restoration appeals from other Wayfarers. This, of course, is considered abusive, so if there are Ingress players manipulating the map like this, they should be reported for said abuse.
Keep in mind that many good nominations these days are getting accepted by ML, the AI, so it may not even go to voting. If it does and is rejected, it can be appealed. It would be a good thing to keep in mind if you do nominate it and it gets rejected by the community, as that can also be reported as abuse.
Don’t be intimidated by another Wayfarer that plays a different game than you. If you feel it would be a good nomination, submit it!
Thanks for the response.
I am not intimidates. I just like to play pogo when I feel like it. I know nothing at all about ingress.
Can anyone explain why having some extra spots is detrimental to some ingress players.
I am not really wanting to get involved with appeals and such. Just want to play and have fun. If I can improve the game and add a spot so be it. At times it seems a lot harder than it should be.
Good day!
The gameplay in Ingress is akin to territory games. Either faction agent may say more portals in the other’s territory is advantageous to the other. There is also an AI faction that can link very virulently, this does not take account restricted sites (that are allowable within the criteria).
That said, those are gameplay issues. PoGO have them too. As long as the POI is within what is acceptable, you may choose to nominate it. Keep in mind that the appearance of accepted wayspots within a game is subject to the inclusion rules set by the game of your choosing. The database is like a pantry where any Niantic product can use wayspots as they choose.
The information to meet your objectives in Wayfarer is a lot. It gets easier when you have the basics understood.
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Hi, welcome! Wayfarer is game agnostic and is used across most Niantic games (not just these two) and future projects. No one knows what games you play when reviewing your wayspot nominations (unless you specifically write about them in your text, which you shouldn’t do), this is by design, and they are not prioritized or deprioritized depending on what game you submitted in. We don’t know the percentage of reviewers’ main games in the overall Wayfarer user population, and anyway it would be hard to establish because many Wayfarer users are eligible for it through more than one game, but I doubt exclusive players of a specific game control the narrative.
You also need to be conscious of the fact that due to the size of review areas it’s pretty much impossible to always get a specific area such as your neighborhood in review.
My suggestion would be to focus on putting great genuine nominations together (we’re very happy to try to help with that on here and provide feedback) and not worrying about mystery players coming to reject what you submit, no one will have grounds to do so if the nominations are solid.
I hope this helps alleviate the concerns around engaging in Wayfarer a little.
Good luck!