Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

And we have arrived in Germany a little early, I see!

Wait, back to Japan, too? Hmm…

I’m ready for the stir-fried bratwurst


I am surprised your location edit to the easily visible spot would be denied. I was surprised by how many location edits I reviewed that were away from the actual wayspot. Moving to the edge of the ball field or to the entrance etc makes sense, but physically away from the sculpture or object seems abusive to me. Hopefully the next submission you get it approved. The other option is appealing it, but with only 2 appeals every 20 days that can be used easily, depending on how often you are editing.
Regarding your larger move I assume since it was >10m you did that via help chat. For the most part I have not had any issues with that. (There were a few edit issues and my fight over one memorial table :rofl:)
I get geotagged photos and video when I am out. I do a 360 video and compress it to under the limit of 25MB. I upload it all at the time I put my request through and I also provide the coordinates based off a comparison between my gps location done at the time which I keep in a note on my phone and compare it to my geotagged photo since often tree cover might affect your phone.
I have done a lot of location edits since the current locations are used abusively in my area either as anchors that are in inappropriate and inaccurate spots or to ensure more stops/gyms in pokemon. So I have lots of experience with corrections. Typically I always have something on the go with help chat. Although, am on a break doing wayfarer reviews so bit backlogged waiting on my own location edit submissions to be reviewed once this challenge is done.

Yes I went from Germany, Japan, Germany, Germany, USA, and back to Japan. So I am a bit confused. Of course now back to Germany. Travel seems so quick with no jet lag!

Bouncing between US, UK…


Hold out for the Teriyaki Currywurst!

Perhaps it was denied as we’ve tried to move the POI to the correct location multiple times. Each move edit location will stay on the map I thought when reviewing or maybe each active attempt. I did hear from another wayfarer his edit was approved for the same waypoint which is good.

I don’t do a lot of edits and when I do, I stick to photo edits. I’ve had one photo edit denied 7 or 8 times now otherwise never had a problem. The reason it’s denied is because the reviewers don’t like the new name despite the sign showing the new name. A soccer field here in the USA has a new sponsor which is a lawn service company. The business is named “Weed Man”, hence I tried to add a new photo for “Weed Man Field 7”. But now that we can appeal, maybe I can try that. The sponsor…they kill weeds in your yard. The title edits were not approved either.

Here’s the current state (a year or so ago) of the original sign. It’s spray painted with heavy cracking and fading. The corporate sponsor has changed. They just hadn’t updated the original sign when I did the photo edits. That’s why the sign location looks different, it’s on the opposite side of the field.

Most (if not all) the cemeteries I reviewed did exist and had accurate locations. But they should be rejected as “sensitive location” (although any notable burials can be stops).

This feels like something the ML filter should be picking up, since the majority get denied anyway.

Starting to learn a lot about German nominations now too. They love to accept fakes. Many questionable nominations here.

The one I reviewed clearly fake. And one nearby clearly on a single private residence and doesn’t seem to exist. Yippee can’t wait for more. :star_struck::star_struck:

I’m seeing more attempts at nudging things a bit left and right 10 metres :slight_smile:

Probably the same amount I see in the UK. I didn’t notice it as much in Japan or USA.

Having an S2 overlay makes it a lot more obvious on first view.

I think this has turned into a ‘Review all cemetery and memorial nominations’ challenge!!


could someone explain me in a short story how is my location suggestion handled at a new nomination which i accepted?

Once upon a time, Night4Ever suggested an alternative location for a wayspot during review. The nomination went through many reviews, and once they were all completed, it was seen that the nomination was accepted, but Night4Ever was the only one to move it, so it remained where it had been submitted! Determined to fight wayfarer abuse, Night4Ever saw another misplaced nomination, and voted yet again to move it. This time, many reviewers had moved it, but since it was a sports field and they all moved it to different edges, the average location ended up being the same, and the nomination was still accepted in the middle of the field! Undeterred by the prior failures, Night4Ever still chose to move an incorrectly placed plaque. Luckily, this time everyone was in agreement about where it should go, and since enough reviewers moved it, the plaque was accepted at the correct location. In the end, all of the wayspots lived happily ever after, until the heat death of the universe, which was shortly followed by a removal request.


After the US reviews, my rating dropped to good from great where its been ever since I completed enough initial reviews to get a stable rating :sob:

I wonder if it was all the cemeteries I rejected? Or maybe I’m supposed to be lying by selecting inaccurate rejection reasons rather than giving things that dont meet criteria a thumbs down on the 3 critieria questions.

Also after reviewing so many duplicates in Japan, my agreements for duplicates has barely moved. So did none of those count at all?


me too, falling from good to fair, i think i rejected all the cemetery sign and cemetery stone in US, and i got 2 to 3 times same nominations, from japan and US, like edit location and edit descriptions

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Yes, lots of strange stuff in Japan and I feel like I reviewed a LOT of duplicates, so where did my agreements go for those?! My duplicates agreements have only gone up by 10 or so, maybe less, and I did a large number of Japanese reviews, maybe 250 or so, and so many of those were duplicates.

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Please be assured that Ambassadors are raising these issues.


What is the issue that’s being raised?
I am really scared that the way I’m reviewing is being viewed as bad. Like, I’m worried that it’s all the things I am trying to reject because they don’t meet criteria, but maybe I am getting disagreements for not rejecting them by choosing a specific inaccurate reason like “generic business” or “not distinct” when they aren’t businesses and are distinct.

I currently have an ugly piece of graffiti on a gate. I want to reject it. There is no rejection reason I can find to say this does not meet criteria. It’s bad but isn’t unsafe, it’s very distinct in its ugliness, etc. So how do I reject it?

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All of them…. :joy:
If issues are cropping we make sure to raise them
Eg duplicates and these reports of dropping ratings those are unusual so worth drawing attention to.
How are the ! Retry screens going today ?