Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

I’ll never forget the time my thoroughly American boss’ boss said he hated the color oramge because of what (they) did to his relatives. (I didnt pay attention to the mumbled details of who they were or what they did.) But i did make a joke about it being irrelevant because it was the late 1990s/early 2000s and all that was so long ago. He got very serious and was like, “I wouldnt joke about these things if i were you.” It was intense and super weird. Otherwise he and i had a really good relationship.

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We are working on it as we speak.


thank you very much.

The three rules of visiting Scotland.

Don’t talk about football.
Don’t talk about religion.
Don’t call anyone English.

I did used to read EDSBS and listen to Spencer Hall’s podcast though and the obsessions and histrionics of college fans are just as as fascinating :slight_smile:

Now you’ll have to delete me for going off topic…

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Was geht ab? :de:

One way back to the USA, please :confused:



Man, you almost got me excited. My mother was friends as a young woman with a Peggy Mitchell. But the birth date is a decade too recent to be my mother’s friend.

Maybe? I’ve seen a lot of crap approved in both Europe and Japan though which would never be approved in the States. So what’s defined as “crap” may be relative depending on your location. America has a lot of coal too but then we don’t have Europe’s history.



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Lucky you…

so why do we get the same stuff all over again?
Its cemeterys and other things, duplicates, benches and other stuff.
I cant believe that these have been put into the system that many times.

Are these the Honeypots?

But this is American football, not football football. Is even American football off-limits in Scotland? :rofl:

Oh, I got that UGA submission as well, and rejected it. Not a mural, and some of the items could be temporary, or even moved. UGA is short of University of Georgia, for anyone wondering.

There are teams and I think it was moderately successful for a bit.

I always found college level way more interesting, not the game particularly, I don’t think I could bring myself to watch more than 15 minutes of an NFL game but the college fans are a breed unto themselves

I don’t think so

Do US people see that many cemetery, bench nominations when reviewing or have they all just been sitting waiting to be reviewed for a long time?

You’ve never met some NFL fans…

And yes, we get a lot of benches, especially memorial ones. The cemeteries and places at cemeteries are less frequent, but this review has shown quite a lot of nominations and edits in the queues.

Not with that regulatory though? I had 15 in a row at one point :confused:

We need another one of these challenges, covering the USA again, but not until we get the delete option and time to remove edits that are in voting/queue that have already got a verdict.

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Usually not for cemeteries. I wonder if these were submissions that Niantic reviewed first, then allowed to go into the regular queues. Memorial places (bench, tree, etc), I get several a day while reviewing. Cemeteries maybe a few times a week.

I say we don’t and these have either purposely been held back or skipped and such, because some are just not obvious to how to review them with the new system. I wonder if some people don’t realize you can ‘thumbs down’ or choose ‘I don’t know’ on ‘Accuracy’ category too. If you pick ‘I dont know’ you can choose ‘Location’, bad photo, bad description, bad title or a box to write in your own custom reason.

Well I have 2 location edits. The first was off the POI was 15 feet and I have moved it to be directly on the POI in the center. The cells would have changed which is true. Easily verified on google satellite. The edit was denied. The second edit was a lookout on a network of trails that’s off by 20+ meters. That was also denied although this one was won’t show on google maps or satellite due to the trees. Within the same park, I have one title edit to a footbridge. The original title of the footbridge is generic (park-ish name) in the name and also misspelled. I used the title of the trail it runs on similar to the other 20 or so footbridge in the park. But denied because ya’ll like misspellings and bad titles. Either that or just in a rush to get your review quota in. I guess we’ll add these edits back to the heap and let them sit for another 2+ years.