Got a warning that is an absolute joke

Hi Aaron, I was never suspended. My issue was with a POI that was moved to the other side of the park entrance but after emailing back submitting pictures, GPS coordinates with a satellite google map that shows the new park sign location they sent back the same message saying I’m trying to move a POI from its proper location. Anyone know n this community that visits the stop can clearly see the change. It is very upsetting that for some reason I can’t fathom they are not seeing it too. I don’t know what more I can provide to prove there has been a relocation of the sign. Even the new sign photo I updated for the POI and was accepted shows the newly dug holes at the bottom of the park sign. Will Niantic eventually scan these things to update the location themselves?

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It says suspension appeal, but the link Aaron shared is for all kinds of penalties. You can appeal your warning there, your daughter can do that as well.


Thank you! Does that mean they will review the edit for me too?

Uh, no idea. Me and the other community ambassadors don’t have much experience with penalty appeals as usually the very few people who made such an appeal, don’t tell much about it.

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I recently did an edit via help chat that sounded a bit similar to this example, and I was pretty worried about doing it due to the new location being in a new cell in PoGo so was worried that I’d get in trouble for this legitimate edit

Lukcily when doing it via help chat you can supply pictures and lots of evidence that what youre doing is real, so they did the move for me and so far no repercussions (i assume if they thought it was abuse, they’d have simply refused the move)

So maybe that is a better option in future if there is a move youre worried about being taken for abuse when it isnt - that way you can provide proof up front that youre doing the right thing?

Sounds like a really worrying situation, hopefully its all worked out soon


I didn’t know you can do an edit through the chat. Is that the in game support thing in the top right corner?
Ahhh I think I see the problem now. When I drop a pin on Google maps
Where the new sign is you can look around the street view and it only shows the old sign. But I went to satellite view and the new sign from the sky down is showing. So until Google updates the street view I am out of luck I suppose. I was really upset wondering how they are not seeing what I see.

When you go to the help tab on the wayfarer website, this bubble will pop up:

thats the help chat they were talking about

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Thank you very much. I’m going to see if I can get this sorted out. I appreciate everyone’s help!

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Good luck!

The reason I suggested help chat is that you can supply evidence ie images taken from old location looking towards new - with gps coordiates on the images if you need to go that far (I didnt). It means that you can explain how street/satellite might be out of date.

It was the same situation for me, as satellite showed the area as a building site when it had been completed already. I was able to show other landmarks that were on satellite in my pictures to give perspective. I probably sent them 5 or 6 images and quite a lot of text… :laughing:

Its also the same process for when you need to move something more than 10 metres which cant be done in game anyway. But they can do the move if you show them its needed.


One last question. Do they email you back later with the result? I was gathering pictures but at one point the chat refreshed and my chat was gone. I hope I included enough for them but not sure if I just sit back and wait or if I have to been in the chat still?

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If there is nothing in your help chat now, the session is gone on your end only. There are no mails going out.

Some browsers delete some data when closing, that’s where it frequently happens


I cannot thank you all enough! I sent in all the information and they moved the stop today!!!
You are all amazing! I would never have known how to correct it. Appreciate this forum so much!