I found a graffiti it can be a wayspot?


There’s a Criteria Clarification from Niantic here:

That discusses graffiti vs street art so read through that and then let us know your thoughts on the one you’ve seen.

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The answer is… it depends. Can you post it here and we can help?

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How to post a wayspot?

The name is RESK Grafite

If you have taken a photo of the location where the graffiti is located, you can upload it here. I’m not the best person to explain how to do it.

I putted the photo

Can accept my wayspot?

PkmnTrainerJ has provided some useful information that will help you decide whether it would be accepted or not.

So… it accepted?

No idea. You haven’t posted an image of your Graffiti on here, so we have no idea of what it is you are looking to submit. I would suggest following the suggestion provided by PkmnTrainerJ if you want to see if your nomination qualifies.

This is not how the process works. The forum cannot accept your nomination. Did you submit a nomination for a graffiti through your game? If you did, can you show us screenshots from your contributions page:


This is just a tag and should not be submitted or accepted.


I would say this wouldn’t be accepted for 2 reasons. It would be considered as vandalism in the first instance, and Tags are generally not accepted even if it wasn’t vandalism.

Ok ill find other

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Please ask here. Street art is great but not vandalism. I hope you do find something eligible!

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Q111qqq and now?

This does not look likely to be permanent either. I would not submit this.

It is a paint on the wall