
Welcome @MayMayJennifee
Thanks for asking your questions, and don’t worry if lots of people join in answering with different viewpoints some things are not clear cut in Wayfarer :sunglasses:
First if the rejection happens very quickly, around 24 hours, and the rejection email refers to our team then it was an auto reject by the machine learning program, nickname Emily.
This means a human hasn’t had a chance to review all the facts. So appealing is likely to be best way forward.
There is some great general advice about crafting a nomination in this topic

Personally I like the close up of the gravestone more, maybe not quite that close but I can read the details on it. This is probably an area of personal preference.

Gravestones because they are in cemeteries are going to be looked at closely to ensure that it is respecting the location, and they are important.

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