Had a waypoint accepted by the team, then rejected by the team

Basically as in tbe title. I had a way point accepted weeks ago by the team (i assume emily). Ive just recieced an email.sayjng its now been rejected by the team. This is rhe secind time in a few months this has happened to me


Are you able to provide screenshots of the emails you received saying it was accepted, then the one that said it was rejected? If not, can you provide more info, such as a screenshot, of the submission in question?

Could you please share the title/location of the submission in question?

Nevermind, I was able to locate the submission in question. The submission was approved but it did not resolve due to a sync delay. In the meanwhile it was re-assigned. I can see that the original Wayspot is live.
This is a deviation from the intended behavior and I’ve escalated it for further review.


Thanks. Ibwasnt so worried about it as it was live. It was more just to ket kmow there was a bug, one thats happened before (ironically within like 2km of this one)

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