I’ve got my work cut out trying to get new wayspots approved to start pursuing the removal of bogus wayspots.
It is frustrating to go through a battle on virtually all my nominations to firstly get it past the overzealous ML and secondly to persuade local reviewers that they are distinctive (which is always going to be a matter of judgement) and at the same time see that non-existent signs have been recently accepted at residential properties.
However, those wayspots are on the other side of town, where most cells do not have any wayspots. I might feel differently if their existence was blocking a genuine wayspot from appearing in game.
Being I’ve assisted on a few threads about rejected nominations that have Wayfarer criteria as the rejection reason, it does seem that ML is still rejecting. Now, 2 of these didn’t meet acceptance criteria, and the other could use some improvements, so I wouldn’t say that ML is going crazy with rejections.
Still getting a good deal of nominations in review that are ineligible or duplicates, so getting through reviews has been a bit quicker.
I am glad that this is still being looked into by staff.
It certainly is
It comes from a snaffle which is a means of controlling a horse.
Which then morphed into a more general way of controlling and then to an element of having possession of something.
To the current verb according t the Cambridge Dictionary, which is
to take something quickly for yourself, in a way that prevents someone else from having or using it.
I didn’t like 2 photos at different Wayspots yesterday. I tried to add a better photo, either no car or clear photo, to each Wayspot. I used to review before the Our Team was introduced to replace us having to review. Each of the photos exists and was accepted by Our Team. The bot functioned for me.
Oh, I had to scroll to the top. I had 1 nomination accepted by the bot in early November and another not accepted (duplicate Wayspot) by the community about the same time. Each is a Wayspot now and required an appeal to remove the removed Wayspots.
I nominate through Ingress 99% of the time, so I am talking about using Ingress if I am talking about Wayfarer issues. I don’t understand this comment.
Any timeframe when we can reasonably expect this to be fixed? There have been awhile now and nothing new have been shared yet. Hopefully, no news is good news.
I do miss having automated approvals. This week alone have seen a mural and a park sign rejected. It is frustrating having to appeal things that meet criteria. The park sign was approved via appeal.