I’ve recently submitted several nominations for PokéStops in Sanski Most, Bosnia, as the area currently lacks many Waypoints. It’s been two weeks since I submitted them, and some nominations are still stuck in the voting phase. Since Sanski Most is a small town, it seems like there aren’t enough reviewers to speed up the process.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone nearby or those who can access nominations in this region could help by reviewing the submissions for this area. It would mean a lot to the local Pokémon GO community to have more stops and make the game more enjoyable.
Just like today, during the “Aspiring Dragons Research Day” event, I bought a $2 ticket to get more encounters. However, due to the lack of PokéStops, I wasn’t able to spin any Stops to get tasks, which significantly limited my gameplay. This is really disappointing for me and the other Pokémon GO players in the area.
Being we’re a global community, it’s hard to say how many people from your area are here on the forums. You may want to see if you can find any groups on social media that are in your area and see if you can get them engaged with Wayfarer. You seem to already talk with some PoGo players locally, so if they are at least at level 37, they can participate in Wayfarer, including reviewing and submitting.
Another thing that you can do is review yourself, as this will help you earn upgrades. For every 100 agreements you have with other reviewers, you get 1 upgrade. Upgrades can then be applied to submissions, and they are opened up to a wider review area, which may get them resolved faster. More info can be found here:
Thank you. Yes i know, i wanted to try to see if there where also people here who could help.
I am doing daily revieuws on other stops… but im only at 19% … because in 2 hours i only can revieuw around 10 nominations…
It just takes sooo long for everything. It sucks.
No motivation to play like this
Hi, can I ask why it takes you so long to review? Maybe we can help you develop the skills you need to review at a faster pace (though not too fast to be inaccurate).
I can review quickly, that’s not the issue, but the system gives me a notification after around 10 reviews saying I have “too many rejections” and that I need to wait for 2 hours. However, I’ve paid attention, and I haven’t rejected anything. It’s very strange, but the system just doesn’t let me continue reviewing…
Since AI/ML (what we jokingly call Emily) started processing submissions, many things are processed quickly. Many players like you and me have stopped reviewing. So any that aren’t processed by AI/ML might take a while.
But for context with timing, my area used to take 18 months for a non-upgraded submission to get a result. So, waiting a few weeks is really not that long.
But which submissions does AI/ML (Emily) actually process?
Which submissions can’t AI/ML process?
As an example, here’s how some of my nominations look. In the voting phase, it says so. Is this processed by AI/ML (Emily) or not? I don’t completely understand…
So basically, should I just stop playing since in your area it took about 18 months? I’m currently staying in Bosnia, and there are barely any players here because there are no stops at all. I only have about 10-15 in my entire city, which is ridiculously few…
We don’t know all the ins and outs about how ML processes submissions. What i can say about your submissions is:
a petrol station doesnt meet any criteria. I would reject that.
The sign may be a good submission. It would depend on what you’ve written to explain how it meets criteria.
Artwork is typically good. I’d need to see more about this. I’m leaning towards that title being a challenge.
That just looks like a tree. I would not accept that. If there is a nice open space/garden area where people can socialize, you need a better photo and probably a better description.
Its not only the gas station haha. Next to the gas station is a meeting spot where people always hang out and chill. I have also write that down in the discription as wel. I have seen in holland where i normally live all over the place are gas station’s pokestops….
The area where i live now is so small and old and broken there is not much at all. Because of the old war everything here is so old, gone, and broken. People dont have money to fix it and the gouverment also doesnt.
So it is hard to really find ‘ good ‘ pokestops.
I have read all the critereas, and also asked chat gpt when i submit a nominee and chat gpt also said the things i submit was good because of the criteria matched…
As you know i only have in the whole city i live onlg 15 pokestops…
I have ofcourse more nominee’s around 8. So i hope it will be all good.
Thankyou for your help.
Hi there, I would be cautious regarding asking GPT what makes a good wayspot and would not expect it to know Wayfarer criteria, and would read the criteria or ask on here instead.
Regarding the sign describing EU-funded works, if it’s that, I don’t think it meets criteria.
Just so you know, there had been a massive cheating ring in the Netherlands, so you absolutely can not rely on existing Wayspots to still be acceptable, even without that situation it’s not recommended to do that. That’s why you see accepted petrol stations there, that can never be accepted anywhere again
AIs don’t give you full results, just general summaries. Chat GPT and other AIs like Gemini and Copilot can only summarize for you how to write a 15 page term paper on a certain subject, not actually write the paper for you. Believe me, I tried asking them to write some of my lengthy college papers and all I got were summaries on how to.
I had someone else here in the forums once using Chat GPT to find answers that were better asked here, or even with a regular web search. Google and Bing do have AI summaries with their search results, but you can look through the search results to find what you’re looking for, if the summary isn’t specific enough. The summaries are never specific enough for me, so I usually go through the search results, or ask differently.
Even ML, the AI system here, isn’t perfect, and gets things wrong. ML will approve things that don’t meet criteria and reject things that do, so it’s still learning.