Help on requesting a wayspot in a village

Hello all.
I live in a village and currently theres only 2 pokestops and a gym near my neighborhood, but they made a new road so theres a lot of traffic and its complicated to play there.
The thing is that i tried to request a wayspot but theres nothing that could be a wayspot, so i used and old graffiti in a wall but it got rejected saying its abuse, what can i do?

The red line marks the new road, its a big one so the traffic is x4 times more than before, and the people frok my neighborhood (the triangle where my character is) has to cross the street (theres no pedestrian lines so its dangerous)

That looks vandalized

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Graffiti has to be much more artistic that that to be acceptable. It looks like there is a hospital near that address that would not be a good candidate itself, but may have artwork you could submit there. And south of that appears to be a shopping center, which could be eligible itself, and could have interesting shops and restaurants you could submit.


The thing is that the neighborhood got isolated by the new road (theres currently a reclamation to the local government) i thought on the hospital but i didnt know if it would be good, and i dont know about any shopping center, the only thing near is an orphanage (the one with the hard to reach pokestops) and then theres a lot of car mechanics, the problem is that isolation thing, that its complicated to walk around now, for me its not a problem because i can go to the near city, but theres kids here that dont have the same opportunities

The neighborhood itsself and the lands surounding dont have anything calling, just houses and trees, so i dont really know what to do to help my community because before the road it was easy to gather and play there

Maybe I pulled up the wrong address trying to copy from your photo. I was looking here. Since there was one thing labelled as a restaurant, I thought that might be a shopping center.

I should have tagged @MegaTrainerRed to help when I saw the country address.

Oh, thats the old restaurant, what u see there is the extension of the hospital (currently half built) so they demolished the houses and that restaurant and made the hospital extension and the road, the new road has a super nice pedestrian way to walk or rollerskate, but theres no signs to request a wayspot

Look, i ve made this to show the situation nowadays:
The green is the houses of the people, the red the new road and the yellow the area of the new hospital, and the red circle where the pokestops and gyms are, so the only chance is follow the red one and cross in the red circle

Hola buenas! Comentando tu propuesta que compartiste aquĂ­, desgraciadamente no cumple ningĂșn criterio. Se trata de un graffiti resultado del vandalismo, carece de calidad o interĂ©s, se puede decir que no cumple ningĂșn criterio.
En cuanto al problema de la carretera y que os sea mås complicado acceder a esos wayspots, desde aquí no podemos hacer nada. Por desgracia hay zonas en las que es muy complicado o imposible tener acceso a wayspots cercanos (y mås en zonas rurales o, en tu caso, reformadas que imposibilitan el acceso). A no ser que pongan algo de interés en la zona que compartes (y que no esté en los muros o fachada de una casa unifamiliar), es muy difícil encontrar algo en este tipo de lugares.

@cyndiepooh thank you for the tag <3

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Entonces nada, es una pena ya que sobre todo los niños dejarån de jugar debido a que le es dificil al no tener nada interactivo en el barrio, es cierto que el graffiti en si no sirve de nada, pero en la ciudad hay wayspots mucho peores y sin sentido ya que hay otros cerca (vease locales comerciales privados, graffitis como el que yo envié o peores e incluso el tanatorio local)

Es bastante injusto ademĂĄs por que las pokeparadas que hay (las de dificil acceso) aun por encima no tienen spawn

private commercial premises are not ineligible. when niantic says private property, they mean SFPRP - single family private residential property

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Still, its not fair that a shop can get a wayspot (what is just a marketing strategy to get clients) and people in rural places requesting a spot to gather together and play cant get it

Mientras el negocio cumpla algĂșn criterio o los graffitis vayan a ser permanentes y sean de calidad, no hay problema en que existan. No podemos comparar las facilidades de vivir en una ciudad con las de vivir en un pueblo. Solicitar algo no elegible porque hay jugadores que se juntan en la zona a jugar no es un criterio. AsegĂșrate de mirar si hay marcadores de rutas, carteles informativos, objetos histĂłricos o algo del estilo en la zona, posiblemente investigando mĂĄs seas capaz de encontrar algo.

Desde que llegué al lvl 37 me la paso paseando por la zona y ni hay absolutamente nada, obviamente es mas facil encontrar wayspots en las ciudades, pero en los lugares en los que hay menos deberían dar facilidades o alguna solución, no dejar a la comunidad sin nada, por que eso no beneficia a nadie, solo a que la gente deje de jugar

En Galicia, donde hay muchos sitios rurales, le pasa lo mismo a todos los pueblos, al final toca coger el coche e ir a la ciudad

Pero es que los juegos de Niantic son juegos de realidad aumentada, no se me ocurre maneras de facilitar las cosas a los jugadores rurales. Qué facilidades o soluciones se te ocurren a ti que pudiese aplicar Niantic?

Si yo lo entiendo, pero pokemon go lo venden como experiencia para caminar y conectar con la comunidad y, en mi caso a mi me da igual que yo voy a la ciudad a jugar, pero es una pena que esos grupos se rompan, que aun que sean pequeños siguen siendo parte de la comunidad de pokemon