Title: Don’t Waste Water
Description: A beautiful reminder to preserve water.
Supplemental info: Located in the wall of a multi-family apartment complex.
Nomination image: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/8a6jjJqeShjJnsLAEBxJNypv0ftJ-7LMn7GuhNV55lZEkFDcPcRQa0GNG71DByoQ7WhBnlipzqP8RLbp0eUWOq6IQARsu-mEztp40lio=s0
Supplementary image:
I think I made it clear that it’s located in the wall of a multi-apartment complex, which is allowed. I made sure the supplementary image and description clearly show that there are multiple apartments in the shown building but the nomination is constantly getting declined.
Do you have any tips on how to further improve this nomination?