High School Waypoint - Shouldn’t be there

School points of interest are typically fairly easy to get removed. I don’t think I’ve ever had Niantic deny one that was obviously labeled on Google Maps.

New issue now. A high school score board and a high school tennis courts are waypoints when they shouldn’t be.

High school address.

Street Address: 4634 S 74th St, Tacoma, WA

98409, USA

You do not have to post here to get someone else to remove these when you find them. You can use one of the reporting forms at the top. In case you don’t see the links in the format you are viewing the forum, here there are:
Reporting Abuse: Reporting Abuse in Wayfarer — Wayfarer Help Center
Wayspot Removals: Reporting a Wayspot — Wayfarer Help Center

I find the “Reporting Abuse” form easier to use, but the other one works, too. If you use that one and get an automated email asking for your credentials as propery owner, just ignore it.

(Please reply that you have done a report, or that you won’t be doing one.)

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This showed up in my inbox about 8 hours ago:

It is removed from Lightship.

The change will probably flow through the various games sometime today.


There are probably thousands of points on school properties around the world. Unfortunately they happen. The best that you can do is participate in reviewing and marking those you come across as on school property. And if you see others, report them as well.

It will be a Sisyphean effort, I’m afraid.

There is likely no world wide up-to-date source of truth for all of the various sensitive properties (schools, pre-schools, firestations, etc), that could be used to geofence the various games.

So, for now, it up to players to report them as they see them.

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