High School Waypoint - Shouldn’t be there

Hate to be that guy, but I was doing reviews, came across a butterfly mural nomination at a High School, I marked it as SCHOOLS so it can be declined. I noticed there was a waypoint at the school that got through and I don’t think it should have. It’s the High School Logo Mural . Here’s the info and pictures if anyone knows how to start corrective actions towards this way point. Please do so.

You can report Wayspots through help chat if you’re unable to do so in-game. It’s been a while, so I can’t remember the exact prompts you follow, but I’ve come across similar Wayspots on school grounds while reviewing and they have removed them.

You can also report such way spots by following the “Reporting Abuse” link at the top of the page.

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If you’re reviewing Proposed Wayspot A, and you see invalid Existing Wayspot B - you mark Proposed Wayspot A as abuse?

Leedle didnt say this.

I thought they meant reporting an existing wayspot from within a review of another. I guess not.

I’m not sure about on a mobile browser, or via PoGo, but I typically click on the Google logo in the bottom-left corner of the map. That will open it (Google Maps) up in another tab so I can grab the lat,lng portion of the URL.

Once I have that, I can do other measures to find and report the wayspot, but getting that lat,lng is the first part.



(34.2788265, -119.2267184)

Doh! I just noticed that your post also had a street address in one of the images. I could have just typed that in.

Sorry about that.

Sorry, what I meant was, if while reviewing way spot A you see existing way spot B that is clearly ineligible (e.g., on k-12 school grounds), you can report way spot B for review using the “Reporting Abuse” link. I wasn’t saying anything about way spot A.

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Can you let me know if the waypoint is removed when officials review it?

Did anyone actually report this location? It is still there.
Foothill Dragon

I dk abiut before, but i did just now… crazy it has 5 pictures

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I reported on the 28th.

Would have done so sooner but, I was out of removal tokens…

Looking at the last few k-12 removals I’ve done, it has taken anywhere between three and five business days to review.

I currently have three queued up before this one that are awaiting review (submitted on the 27th).

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FTR: Approvals for some of my Jan 26th reports have come in, but not yet reflected in game (Ingress). Which means that likely this school will be decided tomorrow (or perhaps Monday).


What do you mean by removal tokens?

Reporting cap in Ingress (40).


I must admit. I pass those. I knnow its not valid, at same time Im pretty sure its suggested by an individual or group of individuals that just try to cope with the day and waiting some years pass by by having some point of interest during the day…

You must review based on criteria, not on personal feelings. Reviewing against criteria can result in sactions against your wayfarer and game accounts.

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Interestingly, one of the “Related topics” to this one is Gymnasium on 6-12 campus was accepted by the community - #5 by cyndiepooh

I checked and there are three more wayspots on that H.S. campus as well.