History question: are there any new eligibilities?

I’ve been playing a long time, since before pogo, but I haven’t been part of the wayfarer community until recently.

I see a lot of things dropping off the eligibility list, if not the actual database.

Have there been any additions to the eligibility list? Is it actually changing? Or only monotonically shrinking?

Lots of things! Here are some things I wouldn’t have nominated 5-7 years ago, but can work now.

I’ll be brief, and not talk about caveats about each thing. I don’t want to type that much and you don’t want to read that much.

A picnic table can be eligible, if it looks permanent (check the grass under the seats) and like a great place to socialize. (Even tho the table itself is mass produced - a picnic area is a place to be social.)

Neighborhood/apartment amenities (playground, pool, clubhouse, etc)

Park/trail rules signs

Restaurants are easier to get thru

Coffee shops, tea shops, and bakeries seem to sail thru.

Breweries, if you emphasize the social nature (like cornhole) or if they have art

Event venues

Bulletin boards / kiosks with changeable event notices

Any workout gym, even a chain, or in a hotel

A swing or something that’s not a full-fledged playground, but is the only public access play piece around

A generic bench that anchors a trail or viewing spot

You don’t HAVE to have a man-made sign for everything, altho it helps. For example, you can show in a picture that it’s a volleyball court.


If you played since before PoGo, there was one point after Pokemon Go players got the ability to nominate where Niantic decided to drop all clarifications, and move to just the three pillars for acceptance here: Niantic Wayfarer

Must meet at least one of the three eligibility criteria

  • A great place for exploration
  • A great place for exercise
  • A great place to be social with others

I can’t find a record of that historic seismic shift, but I can find remnants from the November 2020 AMA answering tons of questions about how to review since the “criteria refresh.”

Since then, we have had clarifications, for which I am grateful. In some cases those clarifications point out that more things are eligible than reviewers were considering. In others, they make more things ineligible.

There is no list of poi which must be accepted. There is a list of ineligible poi which must not be accepted. If it is not on the ineligible list, then it is eligible, but that does not mean it should be accepted. You have to use your own good judgment to decide if it meets one of those three pillars.


For me, being eligible means that it meets at least one eligibility criteria.

I prefer saying if it is not ineligible, it may or may not be eligible. So there exists things that are not eligible but not ineligible.

Even then, an eligible thing may not always be acceptable if all the other acceptance criteria is not met or there are other restrictions via the rejection criteria.

How you explain this topic then?
Since nobody give a normal explanation
Other then every wayspot is based on is own merrits, or we just decided

I can pull more topics that dont even have explore excercise, or Socializing but get accepted or restored.

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The first statement on the ineligible list is:

Does not meet eligibility criteria

Does not seem to be a great place of exploration, place for exercise, or place to be social. The object is mass-produced, generic, or not visually unique or interesting.


So that would mean that

It is right there on the list that it must meet eligibility requirements.


That is exactly what I said. “Eligible” does not mean “acceptable.” It means you may consider it.

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@cyndiepooh en @paulingzubat

If you just look ad the latest appeal topics solved in appeals, where mini library’s dont get restored. (While in public ground)

But a traffic sign whit small route sign on it next to waiting cars ad traffic light get restored.

I would have voted other way around, but i am just a fellow wayfarer.

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I struggle to reply with the already complicated situation from your previous comment. I do get that there are similarities but to echo the marked solution:

It is not standard for the team to disclose why the removal (apart from the property owners’ request, and this seems only for clarity not as a criteria decision) is. We don’t know if the team even have liberty to do so further than what has been explained.

The examples visible to myself are for the routes as a whole which seems to be not what is being asked. The similar restoration request you added in that thread has a tangible reference to the specific markers existing afaik.

The link for the specific route of the removed markers you want to restore also is redirecting at an empty resource for me. So that might be the root of the problem.

Reading through the linked discussion, it also seems a habit of disruptive behavior. I do not want to incentivize this further. Please post the full nomination if you would like to re-appeal with new information in your own thread. It may be helpful to summarize what has already been established since it does seem complicated for me.


Thank you for your awnser and sorry if made it to complicated

In the absence of transparency, many decisions appear capricious or vindictive.

fwiw I don’t speak Dutch, the archive link shows a lot of deadlines and “until X weeks”, repeated screenshots & links for the routes as a whole make info look cluttered. Organizing the information relevant only to your requested wayspots should help you further.

Picnic table or picnic area? Cause theres a single picnic table in a park near me, in the summer its nice to sit at as its shaded by nearby trees, but i wouldnt say its a picnic area

It all depends on what purpose the table serves. I submitted a single picnic table next to a large community garden. It’s a great place to sit in the shade after working in the garden to plant or harvest and chat with whoever else is there also working in the garden. Maybe you look over what you’ve grown and swap some of your tomatoes for their cabbage. Maybe they share some seeds. Maybe you give them some pointers on how to grow giant sunflowers.

Please dont use expensive words i dont understand :sweat_smile: but if it mean random or personal, yes

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Pretty close, yes.

Where I live, a picnic table outside an office building will pass, because people take breaks from work there. Even if it looks like a state-required smoking area.