Please help with my nomination

Could anyone tell me why this could have been rejected? I wish it said something other than just wayfarer criteria…it could mean multiple things.

Title: Ravello 192

Description: A neighborhood sign in Omaha, NE.

Supplemental: A beautifully done sign for a neighbor on the corner of a street in Omaha Nebraska. Many people use the sidewalk infront of the sign daily.

I bet the email said “our team” and not the “community” decided. This rejection reason appears to indicate that the ML (machine learning ai) model did not detect anything in that photo that it has been taught meets criteria.

I have been asking for a clarification on neighborhood signs to be added to Criteria Clarification Collection . I also think this has been correctly rejected.

Welcome to the forum, and I hope the clarification section helps with future submissions. Remember a nomination must meet at least one of the three eligibility criteria

  • A great place for exploration
  • A great place for exercise
  • A great place to be social with others


Unfortunately, neighborhood signs are hard to get approved, as most are very generic and don’t have anything distinct about then. They just typically do not meet any criteria, and most reviewers reject them. But, I’m thinking that ML/AI rejected this, and the rejection email said “our team,” which means it never was reviewed by the community. ML knows of the many rejections of neighborhood signs, and has started to reject more of them.

However, I do like the design of this sign, especially the wood panels and what I assume is a wood or metal cutout of the neighborhood logo (looks like a snowflake), so it’s a somewhat artistic design. I would include this information in the description, not just in the supporting info. I would also include sign in the title, not just the neighborhood name.

There’s still no guarantee that it will get approved, but it’s certainly worth a try.


I do like to bring up this example from the Unique Art thread in Criteria Clarifications when it does come to neighborhood/business signs. Hope it helps!

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I just want to mention that using photos from third party sources, such as Street View is not allowed.


I was just going to say that this appears to have been taken directly from street view:

That is not allowed. You must take your own photos.

I was looking around on the map to see anything I could suggest you submit instead. The only thing besides the dog park I can clearly identify is the pool.


Thank you for your feedback! This has been extremely helpful!

You’re correct it said our team. Thank you for the info!

I tried the pool :frowning: unfortunately that was a no go I guess :sweat_smile: but thank you for the info!

Community pools are eligible, but you need to note that they are for the entire community and not for a single private home. I’m guessing that may have been the issue with the title/description provided.

And yes, third party photos of any kind are ineligible photos. All photos must be taken by yourself.

There was old guidance that pools were ineligible, but I think they have made it clear that they are acceptable now.

You could try submitting again (be sure to take your own photos) and include that link in the supporting information. Or you could appeal the rejection. You get two appeals on a 20 day timer each. If you aren’t seeing the appeal option right now, you may have to wait. You can ask for our advice on that nomination if you want to.

Please give an indication that you are joking when someone asks for help. This is not good advice and has no relevance to the neighborhood sign’s eligibility.


Again, a place that is near places that you might be does not make it meet criteria. The place should be a destination you would travel to, not just possibly notice as you go by.

You would not say to a friend, “Hey, you know that neighborhood sign? Let’s go walk to it.”

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Could you point this out to me in the guidelines?

I love points on my way somewhere or that I can make part of a walk around the hood with my dog, or where my bus often stops on my morning commute

I can see your point but it would exclude like 40% of points in some places

I’m not seeing the social requirement?

I agree it’s a bit lame but at least it’s large and not totally generic

I also think since spreed encourage exploration

It only has to meet one of the three. My illustration was to show that it does not meet any of them.

I think here is where our lifestyles and game play differ, :purple_heart:

For me if it was next to a bus stop i might accept the social requirement

Not only is a bus stop NOT a place you go with the intention of being social, you are talking about a place fulfilling social criteria simply by being adjacent to a bus stop. This is just plain wrong. I think you must be trolling me now, but made one last attempt to explain in case you are not.

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You’ve never caught the same bus every day and gotten to know a few people? Can be wonderfuly social, especially if there a gym.

Yup not getting each other’s life style :cry:

Shame, as it limits the ways everyone can play the game