I applied for a POI, and it passed the review process, but it doesn't appear in Ingress

If you actually need to do a real life correction @maicss as @Leedle95 's picture indicates, you can use help chat for a location edit that you can’t do through the game. Go to the help menu on the Wayfarer site Niantic Wayfarer and a text bubble will pop up where a bot will get information from you. A real person will make the decision and let you know the result. They will need evidence, most likely several geotagged photos since I don’t see street view there on maps. Do not ask for a location edit for game reasons, only for real life corrections.

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OK, thank you for the information.

The 20m rule for ingress if I recall correctly was said a few years ago on the old Ingress forum by a Niantic….memory hazy of details.

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You are correct that Thia confirmed it. I don’t want to try digging through the Wayback Machine to look for it though.

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