I applied for a POI, and it passed the review process, but it doesn't appear in Ingress

I applied for a POI, and it passed the review process, but it doesn’t appear in Ingress.
POI Name: 百福影壁
Lightship Link:Niantic Lightship

Can you provide the coordinates, not everybody can Into the app you linked.


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36.735592, 117.24445999999999

This Wayspot is not eligible to appear in Ingress.

Looks like it is too close to 虞山书院 to appear in Ingress. (Hope I copied the name correctly)

If the application for modifying the location of the [虞山书院] is submitted and approved, will the [百福影壁] appear?

That would depend on if the move makes it far enough away. However, a location edit should only be requested if the placement is truly incorrect. Trying to move wayspots to make something appear in a game is considered abuse. It can result in negative consequences for the submitter (like a suspension or ban).

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POI [虞山书院] is situated at an incorrect location, yet it possesses ample space in physical proximity to [百福影壁].
Thank you very much for your help.

I have made the necessary adjustments. You should see the changes reflected soon.


Thank you very much for your help

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Ingress portal
name: 小鱼、海豚和沙坑
lat: 31.310499
lng: 120.651046

Passed the review at 2024-07-30 10:33, this is the time I recived the passed email, 8 days passed, I cannot see the portal on the map, and I don’t have the key either.

Can you help me with this? Thank you very much!

The coordinates you gave are within the 20m circle of another portal, so this cannot appear in Ingress

But it’s a good portal, can you move it a little bit to the west?
Thank you very much.

And I wonder where can I check the rule " within the 20m circle of another portal, so this cannot appear in Ingress", and any tools can help us to check the new portal is “within the 20m circle of another portal”?

No, if the location is correct in real life, then moving it would be abuse. The map I showed is iitc - you can google how to get that map of ingress portals.

I am using IITC right now.
But I want to know the where the rule of “within the 20m circle of another portal, so this cannot appear in Ingress”. And the “20m range of a portal” is an IITC plugin or what? And why officially tell the agent that a portal may not appear in the position he/she submit?

I am not an official, just another forum user.

The nomination screen that tells you that you are submitting a portal is misleading, as you are actually submitting a Wayspot to Niantic’s Lightship database, and from there the game algorithms include the eligible ones. The acceptance email does tell you that not all accepted Wayspots appear in all Niantic games.

I have known the 20m rule so long that I don’t remember where I learned it. If I find the source, I will edit in the link.

Oh, sorry for my bad tone. And can you give a the “20m range of the selected portal” plugin link?

Thank you!

oh that may be part of the pogotools add on. I thought it was part of iitc. i don’t have a link for that, but you should be able to search for that too.

The placing for your POI seems wrong anyway. It’s currently in the middle of the street. Your wayspot is a child’s play area. The location should be moved to the actual play