Recently I was asked to review an entry sign for a park in my town. I’ve been to the park quite a few times but not in the last few months. I recognized the main photo as the same object as a postcard I had received in the past. I was able to find the photo in the nearby photos, however, the location didn’t match the location of the nomination. Street view didn’t show any sign in the nominated location. I rejected it as a duplicate.
Today, I went to that park in person and indeed, the sign is exactly where the nominator said it is. There is another matching sign elsewhere in the park. It is a big concrete sign, very permanent. I went to the place in the park where the Pokestop is that has a photo showing the sign. The sign is definitely not there. The houses in the background of the Pokestop photo match the location of the nomination that I was reviewing.
What should you do as a reviewer if the nomination is in the correct location and the current wayspot with that photo is not. It’s not close, it’s about a block away? What should I do now about the wayspot that’s in the wrong place?
This is always frustrating when this happens but I think you did the right thing during the review phase.
But now you have the option to correct the location of the current wayspot since you are local. I would take gps tagged photos and use the help chat feature to get this moved to the correct spot. You will also need the gps location of the incorrect location.
I also think rejecting as duplicate was the correct way to review this. If it had been accepted, there would be two wayspots for the same poi. Please do use help chat to correct the location as @LetsRollGirl mentioned.
Thanks for letting me know I did the right thing. The photos that I took today aren’t great and don’t have GPS coordinates. I’ll try to get better ones next time I’m at that park so I can request the move.
yeah i have android, which is why i haven’t tried it, and don’t usually suggest it. but someone usually comments about it later, so i thought i might as well.
GPS mapcamera is a good free app that will print the coordinates and date on the photo. You can then submit it to help chat which is a really efficient way to correct locations.
It sounds as though you are also doing a good job in recognising the value of a good photo it will serve you well.