I started reviewing this fall - poor ratings

I started reviewing this summer/fall, and my ratings quickly fell to poor. I don’t really get it, I know the criteria and have good understanding of English (have scored close-to interpreter level in tests, though it’s not my first language). Have studied in English on university level. Generally, in Sweden, nominations are not that great on descriptions or taxonomisation (categories), but most are within guidelines to become accepted.

I don’t get why I score so low… ?

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Hi, welcome, glad to have you here and in the reviewing community!

First, don’t give up, I completely agree it feels very discouraging, but it’s entirely possible to turn around.

Second, we often say to newer reviewers that it’s expected that your rating will fluctuate a lot. Some decisions where you don’t agree with the community will likely weigh more in the rating balance when the total number of reviewed & resolved nominations is yet relatively low.

Third, what jumps out to me here is that there are many agreements for acceptances but none whatsoever for rejections on your screenshot, which makes me suspect it’s a strong component of the rating problem you are experiencing.

The feedback here is not to “reject more”, especially since you are not directly voting to accept or to reject but rather answering a set of questions regarding the nominations you are shown, however I would advise using all the tools (maps, criteria clarifications) at your disposal, including this forum, to double and triple check whether the thing you are seeing aligns with criteria or has some other issue. Not all nominations are correct or acceptable unfortunately, and while I understand wanting to help people with new things to interact with in-game, it is possible from these stats that you are missing some.

It is extremely difficult to advise what to change without actually seeing how the person reviews, so we have Review Support for exactly this purpose, and also members who review in Scandinavia - give it a try to sanity check by showing a few random examples you are reviewing there.


This doesn’t sound right, generally theres a lot to be rejected, in some areas being close to an even split. Your stats seem to indicate you might be too lenient and accepting many that you shouldn’t be accepting, i really suggest you familiarize yourself more with criteria, and more closely the rejection criteria.

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Hello and welcome,

You can review in language you’re most comfortable with. There is a language setting in Settings. This may help you in your reviewing as well. Also, feel free to type in any languange you’re most comfortable with here in the forums, as we do have a translator.

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For clarity, that won’t translate the nominations. That will make the text that is part of the Wayfarer site show up in your native language. So, labels like Upgraded will now be shown in the chosen language (with varying degrees of accuracy).

But there are ways through most web browsers to get the pages to translate nomination text to your chosen language. I use Chrome. By clicking the 3 dots in the top right corner

I can get a menu with an option to Translate

Many of the polyglot ambos say that the built in translator is not perfect, but it is better than nothing at all.

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Yes, I’ve done international challenges, so I know that.

However, having the rest of the review page language in the one they are most comfortable with would be helpful. English is the default language for Wayfarer, so trying to help them by understanding the text for things like tool tips and review questions easier for them.

Great! I just wanted OP to know that this toggle wouldn’t translate the contents of the submission since that is how I interpreted their statement about understanding English.

I didn’t, as it seems they’re from an area where English isn’t the primary language, or they’re more comfortable with another language.

They said they are fluent in English…… Seems most of this is not relevant to the original post.

Not being a first language doesn’t mean they are fully comfortable.

That sucks @Treach1337

I am not sure how the system works. IE what level we start at. So treat anything I say as suspect :wink:

I do know that recently the grading/rating system suffered a glitch. Maybe partially responsible.

I know I stick very very closely to the criteria and the recent glitch impacted me. At the same time I think that Emily (the ML AI that Niantic used) was processing most good nominations automatically so more poor nominations came in and my rejection ratio rose real rapidly.

There is a possible reverse to this and as has been suggested you were accepting more of these poor nominations and the rating system now recognises this. I don’t know.

But the glitches were reported a few months ago. So you may have come into the system while all this supposed lot of issues were happening

Dunno. But for instance I was great literally within months of starting - remained so for a couple of years and then - dropped like a stone. Only a few weeks ago did I come back to Good. And only after I only reviewed 100% perfect nominations. The first nomination that came up as not good - I stopped reviewing. Was that a factor in improving. Don’t know.

But @Treach1337 you are not alone. As Xenopus says triple check and use the criteria. Do not be afraid to thumbs down/reject… I find this Wayfarer forum quite useful if I have doubts Criteria Clarification Collection - Niantic Wayfarer Community

And this post on how for nominating and reviewing is pretty decent too Top Mistakes Made When Nominating, and How to Avoid Them

It is only a game. And our ratings are just a rating. Just keep enjoying the game and thank you for contributing for the wider Niantic community by reviewing. Appreciated

Good luck

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They still may be comfortable using another language though, since English is not their first. It doesn’t hurt to suggest changing the language setting on the Wayfarer website.

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The issue is it doesn’t address the OP’s question and they said they were comfortable in English. Better to focus on what they are asking.

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Although I’m not in the same location, my recent agreements have been about 16 “rejected” agreements for every 10 “accepted” agreements. Don’t be afraid to vote things down.

Yes, but it doesn’t hurt to see if a change in language may help them better understand everything, which may help improve their reviewing and rating.

Again, English isn’t their 1st language, and even if they have tested well in the language, they may still be more comfortable reviewing in their 1st language, may be better able to understand what’s being asked of them.

I took Spanish in high school, and tested well the 1st year and beginning of my 2nd. I started having trouble understanding during the end of my 2nd year, and wasn’t that great during my 3rd. I wouldn’t feel comfortable reviewing in Spanish without a translator, which I make sure to use for the nominations I do get from time to time in Spanish.

This really shouldn’t be something to get tied up about, as it’s a suggestion to help them.

@Treach1337 what sort of things are you agreeing and what sort of things are you rejecting?

Try and make a note over the next 10 -20 reviews.
There are a number of possibilities.
You may be accepting submissions that should be rejected
You may be correctly rejecting according to criteria but the local community is accepting so you don’t get agreements.

If we get more insight into what your reviewing pool and how you review it is tricky to help.

The criteria changes based on who is doing it. I have seen 4 different swimming pools in Houston turned into poke stops but when I nominate a pool I received two completely different reasons why it wouldn’t be accepted. If you want to waste time trying to nominate something you can but it really is just that

Hi! Often, when something we think is eligible is rejected, it’s because some wording needs to be changed or some other issue that many people are not aware of.

We would love to help you. Feel free to post screenshots of your rejected pool in Nomination Support and maybe we can make some suggestions.


How long ago did you try to nominate a pool? The wording in the November 2020 AMA was that “residentially-focused” pools should be rejected. But they did not bring that AMA to this forum, and the new clarification doesn’t have that wording:

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A month ago, first rejection was unsafe access and second rejection ordinary business

interesting :open_mouth:.
please do post this in Nomination Support as @seaprincesshnb suggested! would love to try to figure out what reviewers were thinking.