Poor rating (New account)

I created an account last Sunday, and this happened to me, I’m new to Niantic Wayfarer and I’ve made like 23 PokeStop proposals and 5 were accepted, apparently some take a while to be verified or appear in the game (Pokémon GO), and it could be due to this according to what I saw, if so, how do I raise my rating? Or is it a mistake? I would really appreciate your help, thank you!!

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Hello and welcome to the forums! Your rating is not based on your own wayspot submissions. It is based on your agreements on wayspots you review with other wayfarers. From your profile I can see that you have made 123 reviews and out of those 123 at the moment you have 7 agreements(and from the % to upgrade a few edit agreements as well). It could be that you are not voting the same way others are when you are reviewing. I would highly recommend taking a look at the Criteria Clarification Collection for some more info on what is eligible vs not eligible as a wayspot. Remember for things to meet wayspot criteris they need to meet 1 of the following: A good place to Socialize, A good place for exercise, or a good place to explore. There are also certain things that will get things denied regardless of what criteria they meet due to being on school property or a sfpr. Feel free to also ask questions on any odd reviews you come across im Review Support.


Welcome @Elekiso

Do reviews and if your judgement agrees with the final result then you earn an agreement.

Your rating will improve as your agreement count rises and will reflect the proportion of times you are in tandem with the other reviewers who have completed reviews on the same submissions.

Hopefully, judging reviews by using the published wayfarer criteria will get you agreements,

Good luck and it is not uncommon for your rating to be low when starting out. You are in the process of learning and proving yourself capable of reviewing submissions…

It is ok to choose don’t know or skip when you are unsure.

You can always get advice or suggestions from these pages. Post anytime with any queries you may have.


Ohhh, I understand perfectly now, thanks a lot for the help!!


So, it doesn’t affect my contributions and their time to appear or be accepted, right?
Thank you very much for your answer, it helped me a lot!!

Reviewing can (kind of) help your contributions. For evey 100 agreements you get an “upgrade”(thats what the % is tracking). When used on a wayspot submission it pushes the submission to a wider audience than just people in your area. I HIGHLY recommend going into your settings on the actual site and turning OFF “automatically apply upgrades” so you can plan to use them vs them auto being used. I typically also recommend letting any submissions sit for a day or 2 before upgrading so the Machine learning AI has a chance to look at it and possibly accept it faster than community voting. After that 2nd day its typically safe to say it wont go to ML. Glad I was able to help!


Reviewing nominations can help your nominations be accepted faster, indirectly at least. Aside from the upgrades you can earn, you will be helping to clear out the review queue for your area, which could bring your nominations to the front of the queue.

Otherwise, as mentioned, agreements can take time to finalize, as enough votes either way have to accumulate, and you won’t earn your agreement until then. It’s not uncommon for new reviewers to have a lower rating. The usual advice is to slow down and carefully consider each question, utilizing the tooltips provided in the review flow. “I don’t know” is a valid response, use it when applicable. Don’t try to do too many reviews at a time, give the ones you vote on time to work their way through the system, and your rating will hopefully improve over time.

Obviously, I’d also recommend you make sure you’ve thoroughly read through all of the eligibility, acceptance, and rejection criteria pages on the Wayfarer site, as well as the criteria clarification collection here on the forums. Feel free to ask questions whenever you don’t know or understand something, there are tons of people here who love to help new Wayfinders succeed.

And welcome to the forums @Elekiso!


There used to be a tutorial or beginners one where you try to get used to reviewing submissions

I wouldn’t mind doing that again as I recently went up to grade 2 after being on 1 however now I’m back at 1

I think you mean the quiz? This has been deprecated, but in my way the best method for this is really to talk it out with the community. Don’t hesitate to post stuff you have trouble reviewing on here.