I continue having issues with a recently build park, this is so frustrating…
The park is still not visible in Google Maps, but it is visible in other platforms and several 360 photos I have taken.
All my nominations are getting rejected by the community even if I provide enough supporting information or they are being marked as duplicated by either the community or during appeal process. This could be because I explain it in Spanish during the appeal process and could lead to a misunderstanding.
This is my nomination:
Title: Parque Infantil en Serralta
Description: Zona infantil para el entretenimiento de los más pequeños.
Supplemental Info: El parque se ha reconstruído recientemente. Por lo que desde google maps no se ubicará correctamente. Hay disponible una foto 360 que he subido donde se puede ubicar. Os dejo enlaces de ambas fotos 360. https://maps.app.goo.gl/aW6pYjXJTKfkg9xW7 y https://maps.app.goo.gl/RuNT76m96EjXcEef8 Gracias.
With this info I got it rejected as “Duplicate” during the review process and during the appeal process.
The reasons are that this nomination is a duplicate of the park itself. Which, by the way, had to be accepted also during an appeal process…
There is a wayspot that marks Parque Serralta, which is the name of the park and contains a lot of different things. A playground, a football court, a zipline, a calistenics structure, a parkour zone and more…
As far as I know, wayfarer criteria allows to nominate things inside a park or place even if you have nominated the park/place itself. I think this is the case, one thing is the hole park, which is the wayspot “Parque Serralta” and another thing is the playground, which has no name, “Parque Infantil en Serralta”, which is transalted as “Playground in Serralta”.
In case you need any satellital photo here you have one where you can see the hole park (red square) and the playground area (green arrow).
I had a similar issue with another nomination, you can read the conversation here.
Please consider deduplicating this nomination. Different areas in the same park are allowed per Wayfarer criteria and I think these are completely different.