Welcome to the Forum, @gameojas ! Having new nominations in queue for months is unfortunate, but not terribly unusual with the current hiatus in Machine Learning acceptances. It may be that there’s just a backlog in your area, or not enough reviewers to speed new candidates into voting. Have you reviewed Wayspots in this area yourself? Although you would not be able to vote on your own submissions, you could help other nominations reach final voting and thus decrease the backlog so that your candidates go into voting and decrease the queue that’s slowing down your own candidates. Unfortunately, that’s the only advice I have besides being patient. I hope your nominations enter voting soon, and you see a favorable outcome!
Hello and welcome,
Being that the stone text is in Punjabi, I’m assuming that you might being in India, as these stones seem to be in different parts of the country. India does seem to have a smaller group of reviewers, and depending on where you are there, it could be even smaller, so being in queue for a few months isn’t that unusual; there are even some that have seen their nominations unresolved for a few years.
One thing that you can do that may help get your nominations resolved sooner is review yourself to earn upgrades. For every 100 review agreements you receive, you get 1 upgrade. Upgrades can then be applied to nominations, which open them up to a larger review area, which may lead to a faster resolution. More info on upgrades can be found here: