Inconsistent times for PoI removal reports

I’d like to address an unexpected change of usual response times for wayspot reports. I’ve been doing some maintenence to improve my neighborhood’s waypost landscape ever since I became an contributor around November 2024, and back then I could easily report non-artistic graffiti and other ineligible wayspots in my area and have then removed in less than 3 days.

Now ever since december started and the ML presumably entered maintenence, I haven’t had a response in any of my reports for over a week.

Is that expected? Is it related to the ML downtime as I presume, or something else? Is there anything else I can do besides wait?

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I feel like my recent removal reports have been getting reasonable response times.

It is always a possibility that there are simply some end-of-year vacations causing staff reductions that might be impacting some stuff.


You mean to say Niantic decided to develop an entire machine learning algorithm so it could take vacations with them?


Reports are reviewed by humans.


Nice to know! Thanks for the info

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I would.


I’ve noticed that they are getting better. I submitted one on Saturday, and got a response back that it was removed today. Less than a week I find to be reasonable, but I also know that humans look at all removal requests, and the timeframe can vary depending on how many they have to go through.


Niantic has communicated this multiple times. Removals are done by humans.
If you have experienced incorrect removals please open a topic in Wayspot Appeals - Niantic Wayfarer Community with the wayspot name and (rough) location, and why you believe it was incorrectly removed. This will be reviewed by the team and if found to be a valid wayspot it can be reinstated.


here is one such communication


Nice find, thank you for the clarification

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Here’s something else that was in the last AMA that Tintino noted. While it’s under the Appeals section, those are also handled by humans, and have similar timeframes. I haven’t seen removal requests take more than 2 weeks currently, so it seems they are still getting them done within this timeframe.

I have a private tool library for a private Marina that has been up for years and can not get it removed. The ingress portal is a problem but the other game it is not really an issue.
We have had ingress agent’s threaten the opposing faction with trespassing behind the card entry traffic gate. It is not a gym and all the roads are private in Google maps. Like the county survey maps state that this is a private area.

Welcome to the forum @Ranger

If you have submitted a report that has been rejected, you can appeal that rejection in Wayspot Appeals with a screenshot of the rejection email, and then you can give more evidence to staff there.

However, this does not sound like it meets removal criteria. The only kind of “private property” that is prohibited is SFPRP - single family private residential property. Here is a clarification on that:

The tool tip in the review flow also makes clear that Wayspots do not have to be open to everyone:

If the property owner does not want a Wayspot there, they can request that Niantic remove it through the form linked at the top here, which is easy find with a Google search, since most people don’t want to follow a link someone gave them. But this is the link:


You can report player abuse through help chat or through the other form linked at the top here:

But saying not to trespass seems like good advice.


I have removed the recent speculative and inappropriate comment/s from this thread. If you suspect abuse or misconduct, please use the appropriate channels to report them. Thank you for your understanding.