Invalid Wayspot Report - “ McDonald's, a fast food, limited service restaurant with more than 35,000 restaurants in over 100 countries”

I know this has generated more discussion that usual Wayspot removals but would appreciate someone taking a glance at this in the next week or so if possible.

There’s a notorious Pokémon GO player in my area who has submitted the same exact nomination for every McDonald’s in my area and they’ve all been approved. It’s frustrating because at best, the submissions aren’t unique or distinct, and at worst, they’re not even there and it’s a straight up lie.

We have made necessary adjustments to the Wayspot in question. These changes should be reflected soon.

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Does “adjustments” mean fixing the title but keeping the Wayspot?

No, it does not. We have removed it from the gameboard as well.


ty! you are usually clear when you remove something so i wanted to know how i should proceed when i run into these - edit or report for removal

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Sick. Should I continue to report all the exact same ones I’ve found? I reported another one less than an hour ago.

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I think that’s great, but - Why an exception for this but not the Men’s Warehouse clothing franchise store or dentist office I’ve previously asked about?


Don’t worry, it just seems to have been renamed, not removed (yet).

I’m going to diverge from my fellow ambassadors a little bit on this one. I am not staunchly arguing that this McDonald’s should stay in the game. However, I am acutely aware of the privilege that comes from living in an area that has the financial resources to devote to community development. Some small towns and economically depressed areas are really desperate for safe places to gather.

Like Gendgi mentioned above, McDonald’s may be the only option some families have for a special meal “out.” I’ve talked to some parents who really enjoyed the ability to take their kids to a protected Play Place when the weather was bad or just because that was where their kid liked to go. (Admittedly, fast food places are removing play structures these days.)

Men’s Warehouse (a place to purchase suits)? I cannot make any case for that meeting any criteria. But the only reason a McDonald’s doesn’t meet criteria is because it’s a chain. I want to make sure we aren’t just mindlessly rejecting or removing places that may be the only spot a rural or low-income area may have available.

I’m going to add a little personal story about a McDonald’s. For decades my family traveled between Atlanta and Savannah because we lived in one of those cities and vacationed in the other. It was extremely common for people traveling between those two cities to pick a small town called Dublin as the mid-point to stop for a break. When I was a teen, our preferred fast food stop there was McDonald’s. It was bizarre how many times I stopped at this place (once on a school trip) and found someone inside that I knew - either a local who lived in Dublin or someone else making a similar road trip. This “random” McD’s was 2 hours away from both my home and my destination. It was bizarre, but also just the kind of thing that happens when there are only a few places to go in a small town.


Oh, bother, I accidentally was looking in the wrong area.

Good morning :disguised_face: I was going to add that at least with McD you can make a “Social” plea for eligibility, but one would really have to do mental gymnastics to hit eligibility on clothing retail and dentistry.

I too would like to know why Niantic are not willing to open the flood gates of removing clearly ineligible Wayspots that exist because of their own systems many faults.

To update this, it has now gone, at least on Ingress. I assume also on Pokémon GO

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