Is there a way to remove PokeStop that don't show up?

So I made a PokeStop on the same cell as another so it didn’t show. Can I remove the one that didn’t show add readd them on a different place?

Pls help thank youu

If both are correctly located there is no reason to move them.


Once you have had a wayspot added to the database if it was located correctly then there is no reason to move it. If it is a perfectly acceptable object there is no reason for it to be removed.
I understand the frustration when this happens. The best thing is to accept it as it is, stop trying to do anything with this wayspot. Move on to finding your next wayspot, but use this experience and learn from it.
If you want help with anymore wayspots do ask.

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I found the best solution to this problem : I started playing Ingress, so I can enjoy ALL my new nominations ;-). Besides they also show up in Pikmin as spostcards, even if there is no flower or mushroom at that spot. (Nothing that was added in the past 4 years is a POI in Pikmin).

My first ‘invisible’ nomination was by accident, which was the moment I herd about cells, and after that, there were quite a few that I just did not bother because the were in the same cell. Now I nominate them anway, so they appear in Ingress.

And even though I don’t have enough clues yet to be 100% sure, I have the strong impression that around these ‘invisibly stops’, more Pokémon spawn then in random empty places. There are at least three spots in my village where a lot of Pokémon appear at once, just like around a stop, but there is no stop really nearby. I now know there are Portals in Ingress and flowers in Pikmin on these spots.


Trying to move a Waypoint to take advantage of the Cells is forbidden, plain and simple.