Okay, so the portal is GONE…HENCE the request it be removed…
GOOGLE IT… 3002 Nasa Rd 1 Houston TX 77058
The Niantic staff will need the screenshot of the rejection of your removal report.
I am moving this to appeals as it does not belong under challenge category.
Thanks, my first time with this so apologies for incorrect post group.
Frustration at three attempts all rejected.
Thanks for the appeal, @Mandrex Due to insufficient evidence, we’re unable to take action on the Wayspot in question. If you have additional evidence to share like photospheres/ a 360° video, please submit a new appeal with additional information and we’ll take another look.
Just to note, the photo you provided would not have captured the POI because it sits (or sat) about 150 feet southwest of the intersection. That’s why a clear geotagged photo will be important to make your case.
Hi Leedle95,
They finally removed it.
Now, where do i go to appeal the NASA WATER TOWER removal which i sent in?
I have pics of the downed tower.
Hi @Mandrex
You should open a new thread in Wayspot Appeals for your watertower case.
Thanks Alice. Appreciate the advise, I do have trouble navigating this site.
Idk if you know, but you can sort the mainpage after categories. That may help you
Thank you again.