Link question

I can help send link :upside_down_face:

How and what link?

They seem to be posting on different threads about different things. One thread that had been inactive for quite awhile they posted ā€œstart tutorial,ā€ which was answered for them.

They also had a question about Campfire, and were informed that Campfire isnā€™t handled here:

Hello and Welcome @Capatino
Its always nice to see someone new in the forum.

Please note that we can only deal with questions about Wayfarer. Questions about other things such as Campfire or various Niantic games need to be asked in the correct forum for that feature.
You seem to have quite a few questions that you might want to ask.
You can ask the questions in this topic please, so they can be kept together and we can help you and it will be easy for you to find the answers.
You might find it useful to take a little time to get to know the forum so have a look around and then feel free to ask here.

Hello guys happy to be here
I found this discussion very interesting thanks for sharing this and I was wondering is there is any topic about campfire and how it gonna be work in Middle East officially

Hi. We donā€™t have anything to do with Campfire.

Hello Capatino,
Campfire is not something that Wayfarer gets involved in.
This forum is only here to support those using Wayfarer to submit wayspots for use in various Niantic games.

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Thanks for letting me know that :ok_man:

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start tutorial

Hello @Capatino
Are you trying to onboard through Pokemon Go? If you are level 37 or higher, follow these steps:

If your comment meant something else, sorry to have misunderstood.

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I have moved your various questions here as the topics they appeared in were not quite relevantā€¦it can be difficult to work out where the most relevant place is when you are new. :sunglasses:

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Are you trying to start the Forum tutorial? I think you need to respond directly the the bot mail about the tutorial.

I will take a look back for more specific directions if that is what you are trying to do.

Also welcome to the forum @Capatino