Tutorial wayfare


I’m trying to add new places to Pokemon Go, but the game won’t let me until I finish the “Wayfarer tutorial”. So I push that button, get to the Wayfarer site and then there is no tutorial.

Appreciate any help

A lot of folks have actually completed the tutorial without realizing it: Wayfarer Tutorial?

Have you tried restarting to see if you can do Wayfarer stuff now? Or did you never see any information to review?

Please clear your browser and Pokémon GO app cache and log back in. Let us know if the issue persists.

Had the same problem, tryed it a lot of times on the same day.
Then suddenly the next day i tryed again en it worked… :woman_shrugging::person_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Iam trying to complete the wayfarer to and I not getting anywhere because I don’t see it but the dropdown and reviewing others peoples waypoints

Welcome to the forum @FearDragon144

If you got this far, then you have probably been shown the onboarding information that is the “tutorial” now. Try restarting your game and see if you can make a “Pokestop Contribution” after that.

Please let us know if that worked, and post a screenshot of what you do see if you still can’t.