Looking for best solution (POI Shifting / Removal)

Hi there, first time using the forum !
Excuse my english, it’s not my native language but i’ll try my best.

So, i have a problem.
A park close to where i live got a HUGE renovation, as it was basically an empty square 2 years ago, and now it’s filled with things to do. Kids playground, soccer and basketball field, animations during hollydays…
Here’s the satellite / street view available

As you can see, nothing can be seen except the mini soccer (football) field.
In that soccer field WAS included two basketball baskets, above each football goal as seen in this pokestop :

But now, the soccer and football fields are two separated things as you can see here :
basket new

So, my problem / question is : what should i do to make the in game look like the real life thing ?
Is it better to change every part of the pokestop, step by step (changing photo and location) OR get it totally removed and create a new one ?

I started doing the first option, sending a new gps point and a new picture, but the reviewers won’t have any clue that what i’m saying is true because the street/satellite view are outdated and will confirm PREVIOUS basketball field look/location.
Also, i don’t wont to ask for a removal and be reported for false report or whatever…

Additional info:
This is what the park looks like. Orange is the basketball field, blue the soccer one, and yellow a small area for exercising (which is a Waypoint after i submited it)
In green is the real “park” area, with the entrance drawned in black and shown in 2nd picture.

entrée parc

Here’s what it looks like with the current google map.
Nothing is finished in the streeview images but you can already see each compartment (Basket/Soccer/Exercise/Parc) being built.

(Yes i did the drawing)

Clean map :

@Stiquema Hello and welcome
I’m going to move this to Nomination Support

Changing things step by step is not considered the appropriate way in this situation.

It is best to remove all the elements that no longer exist, then start afresh.
If there is a minor change then in the text required then that should be ok.
It does sound though if removing might be tricky in this case as getting it removed ready for new submissions may be difficult.
@NianticAaron is there something that can be done here?

Getting new wayspots approved because of problems verifying the location can be tricky if there is nothing readily visible as an anchor.
If there is a website with the plan and /or additional photos it would be good to include it in the supplementary information.

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You can submit edits to the existing Wayspots.

Yes that’s what i did…
but as i said in main post, there’s no way the edits are gonna get accepted because reviewers have no way to tell what’s real / accurate / actual or not because both streetview and satellite view are not up to date to show what’s changed.

Edit: all i can do is show pictures of the surroundings showing what it looks like now BUT you can only add ONE picture, both with “add a picture” and in the new pokestop survey description. And as you can see in my post, one is far from enough.

Let’s wait for the contributions to be decided. You can appeal or post here and we can decide on the way forward.


Alright i hope it works the “normal” way,
Thank you both !

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The picture got accepted, and is now the Main picture of the waypoint (and Pokéstop in game).
Location review is still in queue.