16 Ingress portals reported to oblivion to gain control of map.
- Wayspot Title: Planta de generación híbrida de energía en localidades aisladas del Chaco Paraguayo
- Location (lat/lon): -19.93046,-60.772377
- City: Mayor Pablo Lagerenza
- Country: Paraguay
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
- Additional Information (if any): AM14-PAPA-14 is a cell fiercely fought by both RES and ENL alike.It’s a fight for control that can get easily out of control, making routine travels to far towns many hours away. It is also partially located with territory in another country, making crossings extra difficult, so international coordination is key.
In retaliation for being a strategic and hard-to-reach portal (many many hours drive needed), rival faction began mass reporting an important portal as being allegedly inside a military base (it’s not, see attached pictures). They took down 16 portals, out of a total of 20 so far. This is targetting not only an entire town worth of portals, including a small chappel (for reasons unknown) but messing with strategy by taking down an important anchor portal from wich we made a BAF just days ago. Now a fellow ENL agent can’t reach his Buried Memories badge in time with only 4 portals to work with.
Targeting most portals of a strategic town in rural area constitutes an unloyal act, an unfair move by a faction that hurts not only the gameplay of a fellow agent but of the entire rival faction.
Keys in other agents inventory
Portal is clearly not in private property, outside the fence.
The plaque is easily reachable from the street.
Keys were distributed and highly valuable because of its strategic location, making it the ideal anchor.
Aerial view, picture from Google Images, not our own. Even civilian drones can fly there, not forbidden airspace or anything.
No RES agents ever went there, deciding to report it instead, effectively taking it down and with it, blockers. If they went there, they’d see that they are completely safe to reach and not in some military base or private property.