When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:
Wayspot Title: Mallemse Molen
Location (lat/lon): 52,12014° N, 6,63391° O
Country: The Netherlands
Additional Information (if any):
Good day,
I would like to have this waypoint checked. It has been wrongly removed.
The Mallemse Molen was commissioned by the municipality to brighten up the local electricity boxes and make the area more beautiful. You also see these types of portals all over the world. For example, these 2 (link):
these portals were removed and placed back because they had
been removed incorrectly. The fact that they have been placed back indicates that the Mallemse Molen also meets the criteria set by Wayfayer.
There are lots of these nice portals, i see them every where in my town. There must be one line by Wayfarer. And when other portals came back after a appeal this one is for sure a nice one. I know Electric boxes in very bad shape, let remove them instead the nice ones.
Is there any evidence this was ‘commissioned by the municipality’?
Based on the video, it appears to be on the back of the cabinet where it cannot be seen easily. I would have expected if it were an official strategy to brighten up the community that it would be on the front where people can see it… Unless I am misunderstanding the pictures/video?
That video actually showed less of the surrounding area than the photos! Everyone who says this box is real is doing a very bad job of proving it. Take some wider-angle photos!
The GPS coordinates that @minime151082 provided seem to be in a building, but I can’t tell what kind of building, because StreetView hasn’t photographed the street. Is it a private residence?
@Tntnnbltn also has a point. Public art projects usually leave a record online, like an official website or news coverage. Is there any evidence that this isn’t agents faking public art to create home portals? Like maybe a box that isn’t in front of a residential building?