Missing Pokestop

Hi there all.

A Pokestop/Gym disappeared while my Pokémon was in it at some point between this morning at 8AM EST and 5 PM EST. This gym has become an important community hotspot that is battled over offen. It also has routes attached to it as well. I’m confused why it has disappeared and what can be done to bring it back?

Below I’ve included some screenshots such as the location, the view of the stop in street view, the stop name in the badge view, and a shot of the stop from the game view.

Additional pictures of route attached to the location, current game view with the gym gone, as well as the gym view with raid opponents.

The other stuff is irrelevant. The pin you dropped looks like this lfl is on SFPRP (single family private residential property) and has been correctly removed if so

Ingress hasn’t synced yet so can still link the portal for now: Books and Games Little Free Library

Hello @CoreyProton and welcome.

First the wayfarer forum deals with the actual creation of the wayspots what happens when they go over to Pokémon Go is outside our remit.

This Little FreeLibrary looks as though it may have been on the property of a single family residence. If that is the case then that is not allowed. So it would have been reported by someone and removed.

If that is not the case you can request its reinstatement in the appeals section with proof.
If the cell that it was in is still eligible to have gym then another stop may convert to a gym and that will then remain even if the LFL is restored.
The routes are all lost. So you will need to make new ones.
Sorry it’s not great news

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Some extra info: It’s a sanctioned free public library location for the community and accessible by and located on the sidewalk and does not require accessing private property to go to.

The fact it is on the property is what is critical and why it was removed.


There was a lot of misunderstanding previously about where SFPRP stops, so this clarification was made.

Thank you for you quick response!

I just wanted to note that per the definition above, this seems like something that would be eligible.

Additionally, it’s also worth noting that the unit above is not a single family residence but rather a multi unit building.

Oh then add evidence of that to your removal appeal request!

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To be honest @cyndiepooh , I contacted support, but I have no clue if that’s the way to appeal it :sweat_smile: Since I didn’t submit the stop originally and it doesn’t exist anymore, I am not sure what the process to appeal that is? Are you able to point me to how I can do that? :grin:

@elijustrying can you move this to Wayspot Appeals

AMAZING! Thank you @cyndiepooh ! :slight_smile:

I asked to have this moved to the correct section to do this. Provide them with the evidence that this is an apartment building and they may overturn it. But they may not if the reason for removal was a property owner request.

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Understood. That makes sense to me!

Seems although the buildings share walls, they are listed as single family homes.

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I’ve always been curious how Town Houses are treated? Each has an independent outside doorway and singular doorbell. But they share the sidewalls with each other. So is this judged like an apartment/condo or like a single family home?

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I think it might be this address?

Then right next door is another single family home. This one may be tough.

For me, apartments and some condos share common area where you expect people to be milling about but townhomes/brownstones are truly independently owned properties without common areas.

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I agree. This is clearly in the front yard of a single unit, making it on SFPRP. If that unit is subdivided into apartments, like one or two per floor, then you’ve got a multi-family case, IMO.