ML Auto-Decision Issue

Hello Explorers,

We have identified an issue impacting eMiLy, our Machine Learning system, that was causing some incorrect auto-accept and auto-reject decisions. To prevent any further disruptions, we temporarily disabled both auto-accept and auto-reject features while we investigated the issue.

We have since re-enabled the auto-reject feature. However, the fix for the auto-accept issue will take some time to develop and deploy.

In the meantime, all nominations and edits that are not automatically rejected will continue to be reviewed by the community.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. We want to express our sincere gratitude to the community and our Ambassadors for bringing this issue to our attention. Your valuable feedback played a crucial role in helping us identify and address this problem.

The Wayfarer Team


Thanks for the update!

Thanks for the update! We still love eMiLy and hope to see her fully back in action soon.


“We”… theres a lot of ML hate out there too.


As well as lots of people who say ML over the personification of a system

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If I were to chose between ML and human reviewers, I cannot hate ML regardless of how it decides… (even though I don’t like AI). With human reviewers, if they follow the process and approve / deny consistently, I can’t hate the human reviewers… but get little blood boiled when they don’t make sense.


Well I like eMiLy (and can say it how I like :stuck_out_tongue: ) but I definitely hope to see her improve over time. I guess it’s selfish. I know there are problems and I hope they can be fixed, but I miss my own nominations being auto accepted by it.


I think a good deal of submitters in areas with few reviewers, like myself, have really enjoyed ML. For me, ML has also been a great help in improving how I submit, i.e. crafting better descriptions, taking better photos, providing more context in the supporting info.

in the end, there are always pros and cons to everything, and they can vary from person to person.


Could you please increase the number of claims even if only temporarily? We are at our wit’s end with so many accounts using abnormal screening.

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Nomination Support may help you improve how you present your nominations, and point out the difficulties you and the reviewers local to you might have (and probably how to alleviate this).


I love Emily when she auto-accepts my excellent nominations, less so when she auto-rejects them. But then I feel the same about human reviewers too…


Humans nor ML are perfect.

Feel free to put eMiLy in the bin. I’ve had valid nominations constantly rejected by this machine, similar nominations that exist as pokestops in other areas of the country. I choose the human reviewers everytime because they get it, machine learning sucks.



Keep in mind that criteria does change from time to time, so Wayspots that you may be seeing may have been eligible in the past, but no longer are. You are more than welcome to post any rejected nominations in the Nomination Support topic, and you may also want to review the Criteria Clarification Collection.

As I stated previously, ML has been a huge benefit to me, helping me improve on my nominations, and helping to add Waysoots in areas with few.


So will emily be lookig at yhe stuff that was submitted while it was disabled or will it only be looking at stuff since its been turned back on?

If you’re asking the community because you don’t know if the answer was buried elsewhere, we don’t know that, yet. I know a lot of people are keeping their candidates on “hold” hoping they can release when ML is back for a swift approval.

If you’re asking Tintino/Niantic specifically, well, staff hasn’t acknowledged that.

Either way wouldn’t surprise me. I know people thought they could “hold” nominations past the ML window, so I’m not sure why some of those people are holding them for ML, now.

And, Niantic may not yet have a plan. I’m sure the backlog helps a little bit (although I’m sure it isn’t intentionally being built), so I’m not sure they’ll want to use ML to resolve everything out there.

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I will be very surprised if ML auto-accepts come back functioning as they were since March. I loved it, but there are bad actors out there who have demonstrated that ai is not good at detecting abuse. Maybe they can use ML to fast track a nomination so it needs fewer votes to be accepted or something like that.

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More just curious in general, have a few things that would be auto accepted by emily waiting, i havent put them on hold, but cause im near a city they take ages to go intk voting

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I am also curious about what the regular voting time is here with ML not accepting. I made a nomination on December 16, and it is still “in queue” as well.

It’s really tough to work this out. I’ve had my first rejection in over a year and it was something “silly” by the community. And we “know” ML accepts within 24 hours.

I’ve been a little annoyed with my nominations taking upwards to a week in voting, since I’m used to a better quality of life, now :nail_care: but a week is still infinitely better than the year(s) it used to take me. And we don’t know if it’ll be days, weeks, or months before ML is back and how it will work.

I think my casual suggestion is to try a few or make sure you really know what your current “natural” turnaround time is before you decide to hold everything.