My poi art title correction is rejected?

Why, if I correct an artpiece title, and provide a photo of the plaquette proving it should be “Try” and not the ingame Fly, is it rejected?
I mean, the title is wrong, disrespecting the artist of the sculpture…
weird algorithm

Welcome to the forum @E4Wisely

Did the rejection email say “our team” decided? A lot of us feel that the ML (machine learning ai) model should not be used on these text edits.

That said, you can appeal the rejection from your contributions page. You get 2 appeals, each on a 20 day timer before you can use it again. A human will look at it if you appeal.

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Hello and welcome,

Are you willing to share the current title and the title you suggested? I feel as this was either a ML/AI or Niantic team rejection (I have had some title/description edits rejected by the Niantic team that have made no sense, so you’re not the only one).

The title that appears in-game is ‘Fly’, and the OP’s title edit changed this to ‘Try’…


The sign does clearly say Try, but I can see how someone misspelled it as Fly. I also think this was an “our team” rejection, since the OP mentions the algorithm.

At this point, you can either appeal or resubmit. If you do appeal, provide as much info as you can. A link to more info on the art piece will be helpful if apoealing.

Again, this does happen from time to time, especially with edits. The ML is still learning, and sometimes it doesn’t get it right on the 1st edit submission; I’ve had to resubmit edits again after ML rejections, and the 2nd submission gets accepted, many times by the ML.

Ok thanks all, I’ll go and find out where my wayfarer dashboard is and find the appeal option :+1:t2:

There is a link at the top here:

BTW, I recently had a description edit rejected for a mural that was painted a couple of years ago. Whoever submitted it did so when the artist had just started on it, and said it was an aged mural, which was incorrect.

My first description edit was rejected by the Niantic team. It was ok, but I didn’t have the artist’s name, which I did find on Facebook after the first edit. So, instead of appealing, I resubmitted with a better description, with the artist’s name listed, and more info on what the mural showcases.

Appeal was succesfull.
Looks like it works as a two step verification system to me :wink:
computer says no, appeal, human says accepted. Repeat.


Thanks for the update. Good result.
Hopefully the human results feedback to teach the computer to do better.

AI should have been able to read the text on the sign (assuming the sign pic is on the wayspot, even if not primary/cover picture).

Hopefully they will add the text reading feature.

Before AI, I cleaned up Union Hill Park where someone submitted wayspots as Union Hills Park. It was on every sogn. It took months.