My pokestop was accepted two weeks but isn't on game

Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a great week.

I need help to put a pokestop on map. It was approved on August 1.

Location: (-20261918 , -40300343)
Name: Central de Servicos: Gerencia Regional 6 de Goiabeiras

Based on the coordinates you listed, your nomination resides in the same cell as the “Academia Popular de Goiabeiras” wayspot. Therefore it will not appear in PoGo due to not meeting the gameboard inclusion rules.

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This shows you the level 17 S2 cells in the area and illustrates that it is not alone in this cell so will not appear in Pokemon Go.

I realize that the nomination prompts indicate that you are submitting a Pokestop, but you are actually submitting a Wayspot for inclusion in Niantic’s Lightship database. To learn more about the rules for inclusion in Pokemon Go, see this article:

This will not appear in Ingress either, because it is within the 20m circle for that portal. But appearing or not appearing in Ingress does not affect appearing or not appearing in Pokemon Go.

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