Neighborhood sign is Featured Showcase

Still there for another week

It’s almost like the computer program wants us to be reminded to debate this :joy:

Maybe it’s worried about getting replaced :scream: and wants to show it still has a value.
Maybe someone has something else for us to discuss based on a show case ……but open a new topic pkease :sunglasses:


The difference over here with estates, the majority are not council. We do have council estates but it’s mainly non council ones that may have “Part 5 agreements” that a proportion of the housing stock must be reserved as social and affordable (if that is even a thing here nowadays). But apart from that the council has no responsibility for most estates except for planning issues if someone decides to build on an extension without permission for example.

Most of these estates are maintained by the residents by either collective agreement between neighbours to cut grass, maintenance of hedges etc. where they either do it on their own initiative but a lot of the time they just arrange a weekend morning to go at it together or else they would agree to bring in a local landscape company or a man with his van type thing and the residents pay for it.

Most estates here have big green areas. Some of the time though it is at the centre or back of the estates though depending on the design. A quick satellite view will normally show them. That’s one of the main reasons I believe they should be added to they criteria and obviously because estates by nature are a great place to socialise with neighbours and where children make their 1st friends.

As for an anchor point, if the same approach was taken as playgrounds that’s where the estate name signs would be the ideal anchor. The main access point to the estate is normally where the name signs are.

They knew how much you liked it so didn’t want you to miss out.:rofl::rofl:


Have you tried upvoting stops when they are first approved. The one with the most thumbs up within game should become the gym.


I saw a similarly ineligible wayspot on my showcase today.

As well as this hole marker, there’s another hole marker and a basket in the area, and all 3 have been accepted when there’s also a map in the database that represents the course as a whole. I’ve already submitted a request to have the hole markers and basket removed as duplicates of the course map wayspot.


Similar situation here

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I saw those too. I voted to reject one of the holes, but it made it in. So did a park bench that I voted on to reject, that just says park bench. But now it’s in the database too, So apparently people around here like plain old benches, and frisbee golf holes.

Yeah, I had just a regular bench (no memorial or anything) show up recently in the park closest to me. :cry:

I live in Cincinnati, and those who are local or have visited know that signs that may appear to be neighborhood signs actually designate different areas of town distinct from one another. Like, UC is in Clifton and Xavier is in Avondale. They’re both in Cincy, but different areas with different names. Sometimes these different areas have signs, and I think they’re confused for housing complex signs when in reality they’re sort of designating it as a certain zone of Cincinnati. Anyway, I tried to get my zone’s sign accepted. Cleaned up litter, everything. Area is safe for pedestrians. They even blocked off what used to be a yielded right turn onto the main road so it’s actually a very safe place with a lot of area and even professional landscaping. Given these conditions, would you accept it as a Wayspot or deny based on not meeting criteria? I argue, as mentioned earlier, that they are distinct landmarks that can be great places to gather. I can only speak for Cincinnati here, because yes, I agree making some lame real estate zone’s “big marble flex sign” a Wayspot is kind of lame… idk. Guess what I’m trying to say is it all depends on history and context.

Posting the actual nominations should give you a more precise feedback. It is true that it can be dependent on history and context, so presentation also comes into play.

What is missing from your comment is how can you convey that the sign or the place it represents meet at least one of the eligibility criteria. Can you elaborate what makes these specific ones great places to gather? Not in the sense that they can be gathering points (as in stand there as a group) but as how they are currently being used as spaces relating to socialization, exercise, and/or exploration.


town signs are not neighborhood signs. i would definitely be more inclined to accept those. these builder’s signs i hate just let everyone know how expensive (or not) your neighborhood is.


I’m loathe to accept either neighborhood signs or town signs, but could be convinced if someone can make the argument as to why the sign marks a great place to exercise, a great place to explore, or less likely a great place to socialize. I grew up just outside Cincinnati so I know those area as well, but we have the same thing where I live now. For me they’re just indicators identify different sections of town. If there’s some historical significance, that’s a different story but just as a sign that indicates a section of your town I don’t see how it meets any criteria.


The toughest part of this particular nomination of “place signs” is that there is almost no objective standardized way to review them universally, as they exist on a case-by-case basis. That being said, I totally respect your opinion! If there are other objects at or near the sign that helps it qualify for one of the acceptance criteria, to me at least, is the defining factor for acceptance or rejection. Thank you for your thoughtful reply!

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Thanks for the addendum to my comment! What you said is vital info, just didn’t want to over saturate my post to obfuscate the point im trying to convey. But yes, there should be an explanation, and a goood one at that, as to why a particular sign is significant to the community in which it exists and marks as boundary.

This is an issue to me. Please could we get a clarification?

There is nothing about this sign that meets criteria


As someone who reviews subdivisions, the signs have been a newer thing that just states the neighborhood name. I think if they don’t have ped access then it really loses value as a Wayfarer like any other spot.

Stop saying the quiet part out loud :joy: